October 23
Tip: Skinny Guys with Fat Guy Problems
Those naturally lean guys who can eat anything without getting fat are still at risk of killer diseases. Here's the common food that's causing it.
October 22
Tip: The Hardstyle Side Plank
Get better at bracing, get better at lifting. Think of this as the RKC version of the side plank.
Tip: Does Music Really Help You Train Harder?
We all think it does, but what does science say? And does the type of training you're doing change things? Info here.
October 21
Tip: The Guillotine Press
For chest development, do a light bench press to the neck. A good scheme is 6 sets of 6 reps with 20-second rest periods.
Tip: Unilateral vs. Bilateral Training
Which is better? Here are the facts.
October 20
Tip: The Zercher Good Morning
Bulletproof your posterior chain with this good morning variation. Also works great for opening up your hips.
Tip: Altitude Landings to Improve Squatting Mechanics
With the squat, you want to break from the knees and hips at the same time. This plyo drill can teach the correct movement pattern and fix bad patterns.
October 19
Tip: The Fingertip Ledge Pull-Up
Also called mountain climber pull-ups, these are great for grip and forearm strength.
Tip: Continuous Tension Hack Squat
To get the most growth in your quads when using the hack squat, don't lock out at the top.
Tip: Carb Cycling and the Right Amount of Cardio
Reach the next level of physique development without driving yourself nuts. Here's the simple plan.
October 18
Tip: Pistol Squat From the Bottom Up
Ramp up the difficulty of the pistol squat with this variation.
Tip: Pistol Squat to Box
The pistol squat requires mobility, strength, and balance. If you're not there yet, try the box squat version. Progress by using a lower box.
Tip: 3 Big Meals vs. 6 Small Meals
What's best for fat loss? It depends. Here's what you need to know.
October 17
Tip: The Duck Lunge
Finish off leg day with this quad-focused exercise. Stay in the crouched position and shoot for 15 reps per leg.
Tip: Pistol Squat with Suspension Straps
Trying to hit a full pistol squat but having trouble? Use this regression, then progress by using the straps as little as possible.
Tip: Burn More Calories Outside of the Gym
Here's how to boost your energy expenditure and track it.
Tip: Adrenal Fatigue is B.S.
Here's what you really have and how to fix it.
October 16
Tip: Use This to Make Zero-Carb Sandwiches
All the convenience of a sandwich without the carbs.
October 15
Tip: Kinky Lifting for Kinesthetic Awareness
Does lifting blindfolded (or with your eyes closed) really improve performance? Here's the science.