April 2
Tip: The Rogue Shrug
This combo of shrugs and mini-rows will really build middle and upper traps, as well as the rhomboids.
April 1
Tip: The Only Three Lifts
If you were limited to just one bodyweight exercise, one kettlebell exercise, and one dumbbell movement, what would they be? Try these.
Tip: Band Pull-Apart
Bring up your rear delts anywhere with a band. Do 4-5 sets of at least 20 reps.
March 31
Tip: Standing Cable Row with Stretch
A good variation to use if you're already hitting the lower back hard on barbell lifts and want to take a break from traditional rows.
Tip: 200 Reps for a Complete Upper Body
Superset these two exercises to build your back, chest, and arms. It's actually a pretty fun and challenging workout!
March 30
Tip: Cable Rows with Ab Straps
Here's a great rowing variation to use if barbell rows are too tricky for your cranky lower back.
Tip: Is Corn Syrup in Beer Bad For You?
Bud Lite calls out other beer companies for using a fattening and unhealthy ingredient. Are they right?
March 29
Tip: Ultra-Processed vs. Unprocessed Diets
Did we need a study for this? Probably not, but the results are still fascinating. Check it out.
March 28
Tip: Delt Sweeps
Finish off your heavy shoulder work with this pumptastic exercise.
March 27
Tip: The Bottoms-Up RDL
Build your glutes with this Romanian deadlift variation.
March 26
Tip: Why Am I Still Hungry?
Many experts recommend eating a pound or two of veggies per day to stay full. Here's why that doesn't always work.
March 24
Tip: 8 Huge Drawbacks to the Keto Diet
The physical price tag for doing the keto diet is awfully high. Are you sure you want to trade your health for a few measly pounds? Read this.
March 20
Tip: Quadruple Chocolate Protein Cookies
Whip up a batch of these minty, high-protein cookies and put them in your face right now.
March 19
Tip: Two Quad Killers You've Never Tried
These untraditional exercises will leave you pumped for hours... if you can take the pain.
March 18
Tip: 4 Weeks to a One-Arm Pull-Up
How many single-arm pull-ups can you do? Really, not even one? Follow this plan and fix that.
March 17
Tip: The Single Most Effective Fat Loss Strategy
Take 100 people and put them on a diet. Who will be most successful? The people who do this.
March 16
Tip: The Truth About Cryotherapy
Will cryotherapy make you recover faster, lose fat, and improve sleep? Or does it slow your muscle gains? Here's what you need to know.
March 15
Tip: Your Tools Are Not Your Identity
Your training style and diet do not define you. Here's how to disinvest, ditch your cultish tribe, and keep improving.
March 12
Tip: Box Jumps For Conditioning
You've heard the warnings. Here's the full story.