February 9
Tip: Beware of Faux Pros
There are a lot of pros in the fitness field, but there are even more faux pros. Spot them and avoid them. Here's why.
February 8
Tip: Cuban Press for Shoulder Health
Do this move to keep your shoulders strong and healthy.
Tip: Do This First When Training Calves
How you start your calf workout can make a big difference in the results you'll get. Always do this first.
February 7
Tip: Turn the Muscle-Up Into a Muscle Builder
The muscle-up looks cool, but if you're using bad technique then it's just a trick. Here's how to make it into an effective exercise.
Tip: Deadlift Split Squats for Quads and Core
This old-school move has been all but forgotten. Too bad, it's one of the best split squat or lunge variations. Here's how to do it.
Tip: Rethink the Dynamic Effort Method
Sounds like powerlifting heresy, but this popular method doesn't work for most average people. Here's why.
February 6
Tip: Build Low-Back Strength With Seated Good Mornings
An untrained back is an injury-prone back. Here's an exercise powerlifters use to bulletproof their lower backs.
Tip: Incline Shrugs for Big Traps
Most people only do shrugs standing up. Maybe that's why most people have small traps. Try this for complete trap development.
Tip: 3 Rep Ranges for Bigger Biceps
If you always do 3 sets of 10 for biceps, you're missing out on some serious arm growth. Here's a better plan.
February 5
Tip: Master the Neutral-Grip Press
This is a great overhead press variation if your shoulders are getting cranky. Here's how to do it right.
Tip: Build Quads Without Knee Pain
Got knee pain or recovering from an injury? You don't have to watch your quads or your leg strength dwindle away. Try these 3 moves.
Tip: How to Make Trashcan Chili
Follow these simple steps and make a muscle-building meal that tastes so good you'll forget it's good for you.
February 4
Tip: Build Brute Core Strength with Suitcase Deadlifts
This is one of the best overall torso and core builders. Here's how to do it.
Tip: Isolation Exercises vs. Big Lifts
What's best for muscle growth? Here are some insights.
February 3
Tip: The Most Common Deadlift Mistake
This is an injury waiting to happen. Here's what to avoid and how to fix the problem.
Tip: Heavy Negatives & High-Rep Finishers
Combine these two methods for fast muscle growth. Here's how.
Tip: The Sweeping Deadlift for Strong Lats
This little-known exercise will not only build your lats, it'll make you a better deadlifter and Olympic lifter. Here's how to do it.
February 2
Tip: Incline Lateral Raise for Wide Shoulders
Bring up your side or lateral delts and you'll change the whole look of your physique. Try this exercise.
Tip: The Hybrid Chest Press for Hypertrophy
This combo exercise will nail every part of your chest. Check it out.