November 10
Tip: Scapular Wall Slides
Free up your stiff shoulders and activate your lower traps with this drill.
Tip: The Proper Box Jump
It's not about how high the box is. It's about how explosive you are from the ground.
Tip: Attack the Bar Violently
Build strength and set new personal records using compensatory acceleration training. Here's how.
Tip: Two Drills to Correct Forward Head Posture
It can wreck your training... and it makes you look weird. Try these simple drills to fix FHP.
November 9
Tip: The Zercher Shrug
Stay upright and avoid bouncing to make this a very effective shrug variation.
Tip: 6 Reeves-Grip Trap Bar Exercises
Using a trap bar combined with the Reeves grip (holding the plates) puts you in a great position for training the traps, legs, back, and more.
Tip: Do Inclines With a Thumbless Grip
Shoulder pain when bench pressing? Don't stop benching, just try this variation.
Tip: The Biggest Mistake Lifters Make
If your main goal right now is to build strength, avoid this common mistake.
November 8
Tip: 9 Upper Body Mobility Drills
Adopt a few of these drills and feel better fast.
Tip: 4 Technique Fixers for Strength Gains
There's nothing dumber than trying to get stronger without first getting your technique right. Follow these handy guidelines.
Tip: The Ultimate Shoulder Warm-Up
Grab a light band and run through this clever drill. Your shoulders will feel amazing and you'll be ready to smash the heavy weights.
November 7
Tip: Dumbbell Rollovers
Boost your bench press by strengthening your triceps with this exercise. It's also a great way to hit triceps without irritating your elbows.
Tip: Banded Trap Bar Shrugs
Using the wider, neutral grip provided by the trap bar allows for a better contraction. Add bands and hold the top position for 2 seconds.
Tip: The Safe Way to Bench on a Smith Machine
Yes, the evil Smith machine can help you build your chest, but only if you use it wisely. Here's the trick.
November 6
Tip: Unrack the Bar Right
No spotter? These simple tips will allow you to use more weight and stay safe on the bench press.
Tip: Iso-Dynamic Lateral Raise
This is challenging, and it'll trigger new shoulder growth by increasing the time under tension.
Tip: For Strength, Simplify Your Workout
To get strong, take the minimalist approach. Here's why.
Tip: The False-Grip Overhead Press
A thumbless grip can help you prevent or work around shoulder issues. Here's how to do it safely and effectively.
November 5
Tip: Band Front Raise and Pull Apart
This comprehensive exercise hits the shoulder musculature several different ways.