November 18
Tip: Sumo-Stance Zercher Squat
Improve hip mobility and strength with this exercise.
Tip: The Case for Gym Selfies
They can get annoying to other people sometimes, but science says they can also help you get lean. Check it out.
Tip: Two Things That Beat Coffee for Workouts
Tired before your workout? These two things may be better than caffeine for optimizing exercise performance.
November 17
Tip: Young vs. Old: Who Wins?
A surprising study looks at the recovery rates of 20-somethings vs. 40-somethings.
November 16
Tip: Shoulder Rotations on the TRX
Warm up your shoulders and keep them mobile with this drill. Walk your feet out or elevate them to increase the challenge.
Tip: How to Lift Until You're 100
It takes an open mind and a big toolbox to keep progressing as an experienced lifter. Here's what you need to know.
Tip: Know Your Anatomy, Build Bigger Traps
To build all three portions of the traps, do exercises for each... not just shrugs. Here's how.
November 15
Tip: JM Floor Press
The floor variation of this powerlifting accessory exercise builds triceps size and lockout strength on the bench press.
Tip: Band-Resisted Floor Press
Here's an easy way to add accommodating resistance to the floor press using only one band. Try it out and boost your bench press PR.
Tip: The Number One Thing That Needs to Change
The longer you've been lifting hard, the more this advice applies.
November 14
Tip: Body-Build to Keep Strength Gains Coming
Hypertrophy training should always be a part of your plan, even if your primary goal is strength. Here's why.
Tip: The Worst Protein for Fit People
Brain atrophy, thyroid suppression, and decreased strength. Well, that's not good. Avoid this stuff.
November 13
Tip: Over and Backs
It's hard to beat this simple drill for upper body mobility. Try 50 reps every day.
Tip: For Maximal Strength, Periodize Your Training
Only newbies can bring up every lift at the same time. Once you get stronger, you'll have to get smarter. Here's how.
Tip: The Right Way to Use a Chest Machine
Chest press machines work, but they can also wreck your joints. Here's how to get around that.
November 12
Tip: Handcuff Drill
Improve your shoulder mobility with this drill.
Tip: Your Shrugs Are Too Heavy
Set your ego aside, use better technique, and build traps so big they impair your hearing. Here's how.
Tip: One Easy Move to Relieve Low Back Pain
Do this for 5-10 minutes per day to ease low back tension and soreness.
November 11
Tip: Density Training: Leg Extensions & Goblet Squats
Occluded extensions alternated with heels-elevated goblet squats for 3 rounds. Remove the wraps and rest 3 minutes. Repeat 2-3 times.