November 24
Tip: The Vitamin That Treats Anxiety & Panic Attacks
Some people may need drugs for anxiety, but others just have a simple vitamin or mineral deficiency. Here's the science.
November 18
Tip: A Japanese Method of Stress & Anxiety Control
Forest bathing sounds like something only naked hippies do, but now science backs up the practice. Read this to chill out.
October 2
Keep Your Carbs, Raise Your Testosterone
Here's why you need to up your carbs around workouts to keep your testosterone high.
June 22
Tip: Stress and Heart Rate Variability
Use this tool to find out if you're recovered enough for another heavy session.
June 18
Tip: The Common Vitamin That Nixes Nervousness
The answer to jitters, sweaty palms, and rapid heartbeat is probably sitting in your supplement cabinet right now.
June 6
Why You're Not Losing Fat
Lowered your calories? Training harder? Then why is your body fighting back? Here's what's working against you and how to fix it.
November 28
Tip: Cortisol Control for the Natural Bodybuilder
Out of control cortisol can make building muscle harder and lead to muscle atrophy when dieting. Here's how to keep it in check.
October 17
Tip: Adrenal Fatigue is B.S.
Here's what you really have and how to fix it.
September 11
The Easiest Way to Unlock Growth
Think you're not getting bigger or stronger because you're not doing enough? It may be the opposite. Here's how to unlock gains by recovering better.
July 27
Tip: Get Leaner and Healthier by Doing Nothing
Got 5 or 10 minutes? Mindfulness drills like this one can reduce fasting glucose, making fat loss easier. Check it out.
June 28
Tip: Parasympathetic Recovery Breathing
Use this technique after tough workouts to calm the CNS and spark recovery.
June 20
Tip: Pre-Workout Crocodile Breathing
Practice this technique and correct your dysfunctional breathing patterns. Here's how to do it.
June 19
Tip: How to Naturally Control Anxiety
Anxiety sucks, but the side effects of anxiety drugs can ruin your workouts. Here's a natural way to calm the heck down.
June 7
Fix Your Breathing, Build More Muscle
Crocodile breathing. Tactical breathing. Recovery breathing. Perform better, recover faster and de-stress with these 3 methods. Here's how.
November 9
Tip: Low-Carb Diets and Cortisol
Long-term low-carb dieting leads to chronically elevated cortisol levels. Not good. Here's how to avoid it.
July 18
The Best Time of Day to Train
Is there really an optimal time to hit the gym? A time that would give you better results? Here's what science has to say.
November 5
4 Ways Modern Life is Making You Fat
Even if you train hard and eat right, these four things can trigger fat gain, wreck your sleep, and kill your strength. Here's how to fight them.
April 12
Fascinating Facts About Sleep
When you go to sleep, some pretty amazing things start to happen. You may be surprised.
January 12
Relax... Women Prefer Low-Cortisol Men
Studies show that women prefer men with high testosterone, but there’s more to the story. Check this out.