September 2
Tip: Break This Rule to Build Your Chest
To build your pecs, sometimes you have to break the rules. Here are two ways to do it.
Tip: Drink More Green Tea
You've heard about its mild fat-burning benefits. Here's how to really crank them up.
September 1
Tip: Stop Doing the Standing Hamstring Stretch
This popular stretch can do more harm than good. Here's why, plus a much better alternative.
Tip: Make Ice Cream With One Ingredient
It's simple, it's healthy, and yeah, there's only a single ingredient. Here's how to make it.
August 30
Tip: Nail Your Abs With Partial Pulses
By improving the activation and recruitment of the core, you'll increase your strength in the big lifts. Here's how to do it.
Tip: The 1-Second Organic Test
There's a simple way to tell if the fruits or vegetables you're buying are chemical-free. Here it is.
August 29
Tip: Do Waiter Walks for Shoulders & Core
Grab a kettlebell or a dumbbell and take a walk. There are tons of benefits. Check out these two variations.
Tip: Know Your Food Intake
Not making gains? It's probably more diet-related than training-related. Here's a reality check.
August 28
Tip: Don't Use K-Tape Like a Dummy
Does kinesiotape actually do anything? Here's the truth.
August 27
Tip: Finish Your Calf Training With This
Hitting your calves hard and not getting results? Before you gripe about genetics, add this to the end of every calf workout.
Tip: Avoid These Dirty Fruits and Veggies
Here are the 16 most pesticide-ridden fruits and vegetables and how to “fix” them. Bonus: The 15 cleanest choices.
August 26
Tip: The Worst Way to Do Push-Ups
The way most people do push-ups leads to acute and chronic injury to the joints and tissues. Here's how to fix it.
Tip: Better Than Planks
There's more than one way to use isometrics for core strength. Here's one that beats the boring plank.
August 25
Tip: Do Rack Pull-Ups for Bigger Lats
It looks like you're "cheating" but doing your pull-ups this way has several advantages. Take a look.
August 24
Tip: Do the 8-Second Crunch
If it looks like you're having a seizure when you train abs, you're not getting much benefit... and you're asking for injury. Try this instead.
August 23
Tip: Do Kelso Shrugs for Complete Trap Development
Your "yoke" training is missing something, and it shows. Try these two exercise variations for bigger, stronger traps.
Tip: Do Quarter Squats To Boost Athleticism
Sounds like heresy, but a new study backs it up. Check this out.
August 22
Tip: Take This Mental Toughness Test
You'll be shaking, sucking for air, and cursing T Nation... but you'll also be developing mental toughness. Try it!
Tip: 4 Ways to Strengthen the Low Back
Prevent injury and boost your squat and deadlift with these awesome exercises.