September 30
Tip: The 100 Rep Pyramid
A new twist on a classic muscle-building method. Check it out.
Tip: Fix Your Core, Free Your Hips
Do this before lower body workouts and dramatically boost the training effect.
September 29
Tip: The Hollow Rock and Hollow Hold
Steal this challenging core movement from the world of gymnastics. Here are a few ways to do it.
Tip: Reverse Crunch Plus Deadbug
Combine these two core exercises for a unique workout challenge.
Tip: How to Stop Sucking At Pistol Squats
From basic to advanced progressions, here's how to finally nail this move without falling down.
September 28
Tip: The Reverse Hyper, An Overview
Lucky enough to have this machine in your gym? If so, here's a quick overview on its benefits and how to use it.
Tip: Corrective Complex, Calves
Sequence these corrective drills in this order and you'll get better results from each. Try it before your next lower body workout.
Tip: The Coolest Exercise With the Most Benefits
Master the L-sit to handstand to strengthen your core, build triceps, and keep your shoulders mobile.
September 27
Tip: Corrective Complex, Pecs
Sequence these corrective drills in this order before your next chest day and get a better workout.
Tip: Build a Strongman Grip and Big Forearms
Want a crushing grip and the forearms to match? Ask a strongman how he trains. We did.
September 26
Tip: Forearm Flexor Mechanical Drop Set
With the same weight, do 8-10 Zottman curls, then 8-10 hammer curls, and finish with 8-10 alternating dumbbell curls.
Tip: A New Way to Do Chest Dips
The pin dip variation will hit your pecs in a whole new way, plus it nails the traps and triceps. Check it out.
Tip: The Worst Time to Stretch
Here's when to stretch for best results, plus an overview of the targeted dynamic warm-up method.
September 25
Tip: Triceps Thrasher Mechanical Drop Set
Using the same weight, do 10-12 reverse-grip extensions, then 10-12 overhead extensions, and finally rep out on triceps pressdowns.
Tip: Stability Ball Ab Rollout
No ab wheel? No problem. Just use a stability ball. Also works great as a regressive exercise if the standard ab rollout is too tough for you.
Tip: Eat Oatmeal Cookies, Build Muscle
Easy to make, packed with protein, stupidly delicious. Get the simple recipe here.
September 24
Tip: Biceps Bomb Mechanical Drop Set
Starting with a weight you can curl 12-15 times, do 8-10 reps on steep side of preacher bench, match those reps on the angled side, then stand and rep out.
Tip: How To Do a Handstand
It builds your shoulders and strengthens your core, but most of all it looks cool. Here's your step-by-step guide.
Tip: The Coffee That Enhances Performance
Add this to your coffee to increase exercise performance and boost mental energy.