October 13
Tip: Straps, Thick Grips, and 40-Second Wrist Curls
The pros and cons of straps, how to really train your grip and forearms, and more.
Tip: The Ultimate Health Drink for Lifters
Make your joints feel good, feed your good gut bacteria, and boost your overall health with one combo drink. Check it out.
October 12
Tip: The Block Pull
Use this supplemental lift to strengthen your deadlift if you always miss from the floor. Pull off 3-4 inch blocks.
Tip: Good Salmon, Bad Salmon
There's a big difference between Pacific and Atlantic salmon. Are you choosing the right one? Info here.
October 11
Tip: 3 Exercise Shoulder Circuit
Perform 3 sets x 10-15 reps each of front raise, lateral raise, and bentover rear lateral raise. No rest between exercises.
Tip: The Butt Pump Workout
Add these finisher exercises to the end of leg day and build glutes that won't quit.
Tip: Get Rid of Lifter's Belly
Answer these three questions, drop that last bit of flab, and make sure it never comes back. Start here.
October 10
Tip: Fix Your Stiff Neck in 5 Minutes
Improve your posture, get rid of that headache, and relieve your shoulder and upper back pain. Try these simple stretches.
October 9
Tip: The Zercher Squat and Box Squat
Build your legs, strengthen your core and upper back, and improve mental toughness with this squat variation.
Tip: Seated Cable Row, Shoulder Position
The best cue is to keep your shoulder blades back and down. The first few reps show the incorrect position. In the last few reps, the shoulder are back and down.
Tip: Hit the Right Squat Depth
Know the difference between partials, proper depth, and dreaded butt wink. Here's your guide.
October 8
Tip: The Rack Deadlift
Use this lift to train your deadlift lockout and build your back and traps.
Tip: How to Increase Self-Control
Build your self-restraint muscle around food and be more consistent in the gym. Here's how.
Tip: This Herbal Drink Will Turn You Into a Jedi
Acquire high motivation and a computer-like brain while simultaneously getting chill. Here's how.
October 7
How to Develop an Adonis Belt
Here's how to build the sexiest muscle there is.
Tip: Two Amino Acids That Control Appetite
Eat more foods that contain these aminos and you'll get full faster and avoid gaining fat. Here's the list.
October 6
Tip: Cambered Bar Row
For greater range of motion in the contracted position, try a cambered bar.
Tip: Smith Machine Dead-Stop Barbell Row
This Smith machine has its uses, like with this dead-stop drop set for back.
Tip: Activate These Muscles Before Deadlifting
Fire up the right muscles before your big pulls and you'll lift heavier and prevent low back pain. Here's what to do.