December 21
Tip: Play the Long Game
The smart lifter's approach to training and nutrition programs.
Tip: Look Worse to Look Better
No, you don't have to gain a ton of fat to build muscle, but you do need to be realistic. Here's a little reality check.
December 20
Tip: An Inconvenient Truth About Your Diet
Just about any body composition problem you have is a diet problem, not a training problem. Here's why that's a tough pill to swallow.
Tip: Should You Do a Show?
Ready to get nearly naked and step onto the competitive stage? Probably not. Here's why.
December 19
Tip: Standing Neck Supported Barbell Shrug
Shrugs are great, but most lifters only do them vertically. They can also be done horizontally to hit different areas of the traps and back.
Tip: The Athlete's Back Exercise
This row variation is a great back-builder, it's easy on the lower back, and it's highly functional for athletes. Check it out.
Tip: You're Still Too Fat
Don't worry, I was too. What I needed was some tough love. Here's what worked for me.
Tip: Train Your Deep Glutes
The maximus gets all the attention, but don't forget the gluteus minimus and medius. Here's what to do.
December 18
Tip: Iso-Dynamic Alternating Incline Row
Build more muscle by holding the top dumbbell isometrically between reps.
Tip: A Very Different Way to Deadlift
This combo exercise is a real ball-buster. In a fun way. Check it out.
Tip: The New Cardio – Steady State Lifting
Bored of steady state cardio? Tired of HIIT? Try steady state weight lifting to lose fat. Here's how to do it.
December 17
Tip: Iso-Dynamic Alternating Bench Press
Keep tension on the down side by not lowering all the way. This will increase muscle activation and create the occlusion effect for hypertrophy.
Tip: The PPL Training Split
If your goal is hypertrophy, this is one of the smartest splits to follow. Here's why and how to set it up.
December 16
Tip: Better Than Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent calorie restriction works better than regular dieting or even intermittent fasting. Here's the science.
December 15
Tip: The 10 x 1 Workout Program
A new way to get stronger and master a lift.
December 14
Tip: Hip Mobility Montage
Everyone needs more hip mobility, especially lifters. Here are several ways to get it.
Tip: The Best Steak for Lifters
What's the best cut for the health-conscious bodybuilder? Check this out.
Tip: Pros and Cons of CrossFit-Style Training
Does it push you to train harder, or does it end up being a competition that hurts you in the long run?
December 13
Tip: Are You Dedicated or Disturbed?
Training hard is awesome. Controlling your diet to get the body you want is awesome. But things can get out of hand fast. Here's how.