January 23
Tip: Train Your Glutes for a Bigger Squat
Here's what to do before, during, and after squats to activate, strengthen, and grow your glutes.
January 22
Tip: Cross-Body Hammer Curl
Nail the brachialis muscle between the biceps and triceps for bigger, wider arms. This cross-body variation of the hammer curl is my favorite.
Tip: The Combo Exercise That's Just Plain Silly
It's a popular exercise that kills two birds with one stone... except it really doesn't. It just screws up two good exercises.
Tip: The Best Rest Periods for Arm Growth
How long should you rest between sets if biceps and triceps size is your goal? Here's your guide.
January 21
Tip: Rotating Lat Pulldown
Build your lats with this unilateral pulldown variation. You'll get a growth-inducing stretch at the top and a hard contraction at the bottom.
Tip: The Sissy Machine That'll Get You Strong
The wimpiest machine in the gym can actually help you build strength and muscle. Who knew? Try these two exercises.
January 20
Tip: Use This to Make Exercise More Effective
This substance, with its broad list of abilities, is the Superman of supplements.
January 19
Tip: Another Good Reason to Use a Spotter
Does having a spotter lead to better bench press performance, even if he doesn't touch the bar? Check out this fascinating new study.
Tip: Do This to Fix Non-Organic Produce
Here's how to make your non-organic fruits and vegetables as healthy as their organic counterparts.
January 18
Tip: The Complete Ab Exercise
This movement builds core strength, nails the abs, and even hits those hard-to-reach serratus muscles.
January 17
Tip: Good Curl Form with Elbow Raise
Finish the curl with a shoulder flexion for a stronger biceps contraction. Don't let the traps raise up.
January 16
Tip: Are You Using the Right Weight to Grow?
Most people don't according to this new study. Check it out.
January 15
Tip: Two Surprising Exercises for Shoulder Health
These two moves can help you prevent and even eliminate shoulder pain.
January 14
Tip: Painful Training: The Good, Bad, and the Ugly
Does it really take a lot of pain to get a lot of gain? Here's the truth.
January 13
Tip: Hip Thrusts in a Rack
Doing this glute-builder in a rack acts as a depth gauge, much like box squats. It keeps your form in check and it makes it easy load and unload plates.
Tip: Cardio for Very Big Lifters
How does one of the world's strongest bodybuilders and powerlifters do cardio? You may be surprised.
Tip: Supersize Your Dumbbells and Barbells
Here's how to make your barbells and dumbbells more effective and build more carryover strength.
January 12
Tip: Go Heavy to Retain Muscle
Here's why doing high reps during diet phases can backfire, and why it's best to keep it heavy even when cutting.
Tip: Fix Your Hips, Fix Your Back Pain
Take this test to check your mobility, then learn how to fix it if there's a problem.