January 27
Tip: Smith Machine BOSU Ab Crunch
Combining two of the silliest things in the gym – the Smith machine and the BOSU ball – actually makes for a fantastic ab exercise. Try it.
January 24
Tip: The Least Effective Core Exercise
Honestly, people who do this exercise may not be smart enough to read an article about why it's a dumb exercise.
January 18
Tip: The Complete Ab Exercise
This movement builds core strength, nails the abs, and even hits those hard-to-reach serratus muscles.
January 7
Tip: The Right Grip for the Barbell Ab Rollout
To keep your shoulders healthy, always use a shoulder-width grip or slightly narrower on this great core exercise.
January 2
Tip: The One-Arm Press Test
Have you become neuromuscularly complacent? Try this core strength test and find out.
December 31
Tip: Try This Gut-Punch of an Ab Exercise
This ab exercise will make you feel like you just got a fist in your breadbasket, but it'll really build your abs.
December 29
The Very Best Upper-Body Exercise
Nail your lats, chest, triceps, delts, and abs with one exercise. Here are 8 new and improved ways to do it.
December 27
Tip: The Medball Ab Rollout
This tough rollout variation will nail your core and your lats. Do 3 to 6 sets of 5 to 8 rolls.
December 26
Tip: Vertical Pallof Press
Think of this exercise as a kind of standing ab rollout. Great for overall core strength.
December 25
Tip: The Body Saw
Nail your core and strengthen your serratus with this tougher-than-it-looks exercise.
December 23
Tip: The Barbell Ab Rollout
Make the ab rollout even better by lifting your feet up. This takes the hamstrings out of the movement and makes your core work harder.
December 8
Tip: Supine Stir the Pot
This spine-friendly variation of the stir-the-pot exercise (normally done on a stability ball) fires up those deep core muscles often missed by most ab exercises.
December 5
Tip: Strengthen Your Deep Core Muscles
A weak core makes you weak all over, and ab crunches aren't enough. Try this exercise.
November 3
Tip: Inverted Sit-Ups and Squats
Two old-school exercises that are worth trying out. Check 'em out.
November 2
Tip: Accentuated Crunches on the Bench
Resistances plus eccentric loading: this advanced exercise will hit your abs in whole new way.
October 27
Tip: The Single-Arm Pullover
This variation of the pullover will build core strength in a whole new way. NFL athlete Fernando Velasco demonstrates.
October 22
Tip: The Hardstyle Side Plank
Get better at bracing, get better at lifting. Think of this as the RKC version of the side plank.
October 7
How to Develop an Adonis Belt
Here's how to build the sexiest muscle there is.
September 29
Tip: The Hollow Rock and Hollow Hold
Steal this challenging core movement from the world of gymnastics. Here are a few ways to do it.