Workouts The Best Way to Keep Getting Stronger Strength gains stalled out? Use this powerful progression method to build stronger muscles and tendons so you'll never plateau. Christian Thibaudeau June 10
Workouts Bulgarian Training Simplified Bulgarian training works for top Olympic lifters. Here's how average guys and gals can make it work for bodybuilding and powerlifting. Christian Thibaudeau May 20
Workouts Weight Training for Endurance Addicts Obsessed endurance athletes like triathloners need to pick up some heavy weights if they want to stay strong and injury-free. Here's how. Dr John Rusin December 31
Workouts The 100-Rep Trap Bar Workout A brutal trap bar program that uses insane volume to build muscle over your entire body without destroying your knees or lower back. Ben Bruno December 24
Workouts The Simple No-Machines Workout No machines, no problem! This free-weights only program will build size and strength better than machines anyway. Amit Sapir December 22
Workouts Double Stimulation Training Train hard and heavy one day, then use pump work the next day. Why? Because you'll build muscle and strength fast! Christian Thibaudeau December 16
Workouts 3 Complexes for Rapid Female Fat Loss Burn fat, improve strength, increase conditioning, and build beautiful muscle in only a few hard minutes a day. TC Luoma November 4
Workouts Lift 3 Days a Week and Grow No time to train six days per week? No worries. You can build muscle and increase strength with these intelligent and tough full-body workouts. Chris Colucci October 15
Workouts Primer 4: Big, Bad, Basic Workouts If your size and strength gains have stalled out, it's because you made things too complex. It's time to get back to basics and get strong... using only 4 reps. Paul Carter August 22
Workouts The Strong Bodybuilder Program A program that combines strength-building compound movements with insane muscle-growing giant sets and multiple intensity techniques. Amit Sapir July 2
Workouts 20-Minute Muscle Builder All you need is a bar, a bench, and 20 spare minutes to build a strong and muscular body. Want to lean up too? Add 4 minutes. Christian Thibaudeau June 6
Workouts Stack-10 Training Choose a big lift that needs work. Apply the Stack-10 plan. Smash plateaus and pack on new muscle in 6 workouts. Here's how. Charles Staley October 2
Workouts Reactive Pump Hypertrophy Stimulate growth and recovery with this unique training system. Get the complete program here, free. John Meadows September 16
Workouts 4 Weeks to Bigger, Leaner, Stronger For one month, chase three big goals at the same time… and dramatically change your physique. It can be done. Here’s how. Ryan Munsey November 30
Workouts 4 Weeks To Bigger Legs Leg training multiple times per week may be torture, but it delivers rapid gains in size and strength. Here's how to do it. Dan Trink November 19
Workouts How I Benched 400 Hitting a 400-pound bench is a goal for many lifters, yet few ever get there. They need this article. Tim Henriques November 15
Workouts Maximal Strength Training for Muscle Mass Lots of geek strength-training science, 10 actionable tips on how to build muscle, and one effective program thrown in for good measure. Read this. Joe Giandonato & Josh Bryant October 23
Workouts 4 Weeks to Big Arms You can lie to yourself and say big arms aren't important to you. Or, you can follow this program for a month and finally build them. Dan Trink October 19
Workouts Bench More to Bench More Forget overtraining. One of the most effective ways to bench press more weight is to bench press more often. Christopher Smith October 11