February 1
Tip: Master the Extreme Range Split Squat
Not only is this is a great exercise the lower body, it'll also improve your squat. Here's how.
January 31
Tip: The Front Raise Complex for Big Delts
For complete shoulder development, don't forget the anterior delts. This complex with light them up.
Tip: Increase Tension to Build Bigger Shoulders
Tension builds muscle. Here's how to ramp it up to build your delts.
January 30
Tip: Build Your Abs and Lats with Rollouts
The secret to a good rollout is lat tension. Here's what most people do wrong and how to fix it.
Tip: A Quick Trick for Better Deadlifting
Most lifters struggle with getting their weight back on the deadlift. That leads to poor form and poor performance. Here's how to easily fix it.
January 29
Tip: Do the Front Deadlift, Activate the Nervous System
Do this before your regular deadlift session and you'll perform better. Or just do it for bigger, stronger traps and lats. Here's how.
January 27
Tip: The One-Hand Dumbbell Snatch
Use this movement as a warm-up, to build more explosive power, or to get better at Olympic-style lifting.
January 26
Tip: The 2/1 Technique, Leg Press
With the 2/1 technique, you lift the weight using two limbs and lower the weight with one limb. Here's how it looks.
Tip: The 2/1 Technique, Leg Extension
Finish off your next leg day with a few sets of these. This is a great technique if your main goal is muscle growth.
January 25
Tip: Fix Your Ugly Kettlebell Swing
Want to do a proper kettlebell swing? Get kicked in the junk. Really, that's the perfect form cue. Here's why.
January 24
Tip: How to Set Up for the Deadlift
Here are three universal rules for the deadlift that work for just about every lifter.
Tip: Roll Your Back Right
A lot of people today foam roll their backs before or after training, but most are doing it wrong. Here's how to do it right.
January 23
Tip: Lean Away for Wider Delts
Make the lateral raise work even better with this simple modification.
Tip: Modify the Pullover for More Hypertrophy
The dumbbell pullover is a classic bodybuilding exercise for the lats. But here's how to take it up a notch for even better results.
January 20
The World's Greatest Stretch
Do this on the your next off day to move better and feel better.
January 19
Tip: Treating Glute and Piriformis Pain
Feeling butt hurt? Like literal butt hurt? Stop rolling on a lacrosse ball to target the piriformis. Here's a better way.
January 18
Tip: Master the Dip for a Big Chest
Most people think the bench press builds the best pecs. Well, most people are wrong. The dip is better. And it can be a great triceps exercise as well, if you do it right.
January 16
Tip: The Right Way to Curl
Everyone knows how to curl, right? Wrong. Here's how to really curl to build your biceps.
January 15
Tip: Functional Dry Needling Restores Mobility
Heard of dry needling? Thinking about trying it? Here's what it looks like and what it can do for you.