Horizontal pulling exercises such as bent-over rows, dumbbell rows, seated rows, and machine rows mainly train the action of shoulder extension.
However, to strengthen horizontal shoulder abduction you need to add exercises like wide-grip rows, face pulls, dumbbell rear-delt flyes, or machine rear-delt flyes. The single-arm rear delt flye, shown in the video, also fits the bill.
Record-breaking powerlifter. Pro bodybuilder. Olympian. Amit Sapir might just be the world's best barbell sport athlete. Check out this exclusive interview.
This isn't your typical training article. Instead, it's more of a glimpse into what it really takes to achieve a specific goal - in this case a 600 pound bench press. Still, you're sure to pick up a few training tips along the way.
I have to admit, I debated long and hard about running this interview. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with it and I have nothing against Dorian Yates.