August 28
Tip: Vitamin D for Strength and Power
It doesn't just make you healthier. It also makes you strong and powerful. Here's the latest science.
March 12
Tip: Why Your Vitamin D Isn't Working
Taking vitamin D? Awesome. Just about everyone needs to. Too bad it's probably not working. Here's why and how to fix it.
February 24
Tip: Take This (Quickly!) to Avoid the Cold or Flu
The evidence is impressive. Ignore it at your own peril.
December 23
Tip: The Strength Vitamin
Most athletes have low levels of this vitamin. And only one type of it will keep your strength gains coming. Here's the science.
November 19
Tip: This Vitamin Flat-Out Builds Muscle
The evidence is strong that it burns fat, too. Here's the science.
April 6
Tip: Take This Vitamin or Get a Hernia
Most people don't get enough of it. And now we know this can lead to muscle strains and hernias.
February 11
Tip: Boost Performance in 14 Days with this Vitamin
Take this for just two weeks and see your endurance escalate and cortisol levels plummet.
November 13
Insights & Alpha Male
Your hormone levels can take a hit from sports or hard training in general, but supplementation can fix that.
January 6
Don't Let Sickness Derail Your Progress
What to do when the cold and flu hits and, more importantly, how to prevent illness to begin with.
September 8
"D" is for Doping
How to use Vitamin D, the “most underrated Vitamin on the planet,” to boost performance, live longer, and look good naked.