May 29
Tip: Set New PRs with the Small Loading Trick
Looks kinda weird, but it'll actually help you hit a new personal record. Check it out.
May 28
Tip: Stretch the Hip Flexors
Sit on your butt most of the day? Try this dynamic stretch that'll get you ready for smooth, heavy lifting.
May 27
Tip: Strengthen Your Abs – 5 New Exercises
What's better than great looking abs? A core that's as strong as it looks. Here's how to build one.
May 26
Tip: Use 3-Second Descents for Biceps
Want arm growth? Extend the eccentric phase of biceps exercises. Just follow the guidelines here.
Tip: Pick the Right Deadlift Style for You
Sumo or conventional? Check out these tips for choosing the best style for your body type.
May 25
The Top 9 Dumbbell Bench Press Variations
Break out of your chest-training rut to build more muscle and more strength. Here are nine brutal ways to do it.
May 24
Tip: Do the Counter Stretch
If you sit a lot or have poor posture, this simple stretch will make you feel great. Just follow the directions here.
May 23
Tip: Do These Drills Before Leg Day
These easy moves will get you ready for heavy squats, deadlifts, lunges, and more. Check 'em out.
May 22
Tip: Do Chest-Supported Rows
It's impossible to cheat on this back exercise, and it builds muscle like crazy. Check it out.
Tip: Improve Your Tempo on Pull-Ups
If your goal is to build more muscle, use this tempo prescription to get better results.
May 21
Tip: Auto-Regulate Your Rest Periods
A new study on rest between sets may change the way you train, especially if your goal is hypertrophy. Check this out.
May 20
Regular Cardio Will Make You Fat
If you want to get leaner while building or preserving muscle, you've got to walk or sprint. There's no middle ground.
May 19
How Sex Really Affects Training & Competition
Old-school coaches made their athletes swear off sex before competition to improve performance. Does that work? Does it apply to workouts? Here's the science.
May 18
Tip: Stop Doing Excess Cardio
If you "have to" do tons of cardio to stay lean, your diet sucks. Here's a little reality check.
4 Things to Do AFTER Lifting to Boost Gains
After training you have a 5-15 minute window of opportunity to greatly accelerate recovery and overall progress. Here's exactly what to do.
May 17
Tip: Never Do Twisting Sit-Ups
Stop it. You're just asking for trouble. Here's why.
Tip: Simplify the Deadlift
Everything you need to know about the deadlift in one sentence. Really. Check it out.
May 16
3 Ways to Move Better and Lift Harder
Do these movements before your next workout! Not only will they loosen you up quickly and make you feel awesome, they'll enhance performance.
Tip: Do the Reverse-Grip Smith Press
Looks weird, but it's one of the best exercises for big strong triceps. Here's how to do it.