November 15
Blending Size and Strength 2.0
Size or strength? Now you don't have to decide. Here's a program that uses high tension and high volume to make you strong and big.
November 13
Non-Sexy Training and Nutrition
Anytime you plateau in training, it's rarely because your program isn't complex enough. Usually it's because you've strayed from the basics. Here's an overview of the basics of training.
November 8
A Beautiful Snatch
Whether you're a bodybuilder, strength athlete, or football player, learning the snatch can take you to a whole new plane of development. This article is chock-full of helpful videos that will have you snatching in no time.
November 7
Hell on Wheels
"You're a worm – a gutless worm, with puny legs to boot." And that's just Rob Fortney talkin' to his kids about their leg development! Imagine what he's going to say to you, you weak little douchebag.
October 31
The Round-Up Interviews: Chad Waterbury
Waterbury talks about his new e-book, Larry David, his gig with Rickson Gracie, and oh yeah, training and stuff. In fact, we're heading off to the gym right now to test drive his little dip, chin, and deadlift training circuit.
October 30
Training Disasters
Tony shoots apart training myths like they were ducks and he was a starving fat man sitting in a pond with a rifle. Read about the "other side of the core," deadlifting mistakes, and the pencil test. (You gotta' take the pencil test.)
October 29
The Ultimate Legs Program
The might just be the toughest leg specialization program you’ll ever do, but if you desperately need leg size it’s worth it.
October 24
3 Ideas For Tougher Workouts
The boneheads in your gym only know one way to make an exercise tougher – add more weight. That's why boneheads never build more muscle, no matter how long they work out. Our resident Scotsman knows some remedies.
October 22
The Secret to Motor Unit Recruitment
Chad thinks it's time to cut the crap about motor unit recruitment. He feels there's a fundamental misunderstanding about the subject and he doesn't know whether the truth was simply forgotten, or never learned in the first place.
October 18
The Injury Prevention Roundtable
Nobody cares about injuries (boring!) until they get one. That's too bad, because sooner or later your knee, shoulder, hip, or back is going to start barking like a coonhound on the hunt. Even babes aren't immune.
October 17
Leg Training Myths Exposed
The best squat depth? The right position for the knees? Here’s what you need to know.
October 16
Big Bang-For-Your-Buck Exercises
Want to build great abs? Forget sit-ups. Want great biceps? Forget all those curls. Want a great chest? Forget the bench press. According to Chad, isolation movements are a waste of time. He's either nuts or a great visionary.
Training for Newbies - Part 2
More great training advice for new lifters. Even you crusty vets will learn something. Check it out.
October 15
Training for Newbies - Part 1
If you're new to bodybuilding, this one is for you. Check it out.
October 11
The Round-Up Interviews: Eric Cressey
In honor of the League Championships that start tonight, we present a look at how baseball has pretty much abused weight training and sports preparation in general. Hell, listening to Eric Cressey, it's a wonder any of them can throw a ball.
Blitzkrieg Triple Dumbbell Press
To win the war on der chest, we must attack it, Blitzkrieg style! We shall crush the pectoral enemy, see it driven before us, and listen to the lamentation of the vimmen!
October 9
The HIIT Revolution for Fat Burning Success
If you bust your butt using these methods, you'll burn fat even while you're sitting on that same butt hours later.
October 8
Question of Strength 40
The true Master Blaster pontificates on shoulder training, adding muscle without putting on fat, BCAA's, whole eggs vs. egg whites, hot Asian chicks, recruiting more motor units, dumb exercises, bar speed, and his inability to love. (We made up that last one.)
October 4
The Sloshing Pillar of Pain
It looks crazy, but this workout gadget, which you can make yourself, will kick your butt. Here’s how.