August 18
Long Live the Overhead Press
Overhead pressing is great but it’s not for everyone. You need to be qualified to press. Find out if you are here.
August 16
Squat and Sprint
Combining heavy weights with intense sprints will deliver rapid mass gains. Here’s how to do it.
August 15
How to Use Tempo Training
Varying your lifting speed is a great way to promote growth. Here's how to choose the right tempo to reach your goals.
August 12
Deadlifting for Strongman
How some of the most powerful, explosive men on the planet train for the king of powerlifting exercises.
August 8
Respect The Iron Way
Use the iron to cut through the chaos of life. Here's the deal.
August 5
Optimal Frequency and Intensity of Training
How often should you train a lift? Good question. Here's a simple way to determine your ideal frequency.
August 4
To Crunch or Not to Crunch
Experts say crunches are worthless and bad for the back. Are they right? Here’s the real science.
August 3
The Cardio Manifesto
Everyone hates cardio. Here's how to choose the right type, intensity, frequency, and duration to get into prize-worthy condition.
July 29
Much Ado About Deadlifting
Don't overcomplicate it. Fix your weak points and perfect your form so that you can pull heavy barbells off the ground. Here's what to do.
July 27
Big Bench Program for Strength and Size
The basics of benching, the fine points, and a solid 16-week program. Get it all here.
July 26
CAT, Plyo, and Board Presses
Compensatory acceleration, plyometrics, and board presses. Here’s how to use these tools for explosive bench pressing.
July 25
Iron Evolution – Phase 5
A step-by-step approach to setting new PRs in the squat, bench, and deadlift.
July 22
Prilepin's Table for Hypertrophy
Rethinking a classic strength training paradigm so that it results in massive hypertrophy gains.
July 21
Get It Right: The Deadlift
You can't really improve your deadlift unless you really know what happens when you pull serious weight. Here’s your guide.
July 19
Overrated Muscle-Builders and Superior Alternatives
The best exercises for building muscle aren't always the most popular ones. Here are a few effective, yet underrated, moves for legs, arms, and chest.
July 14
Winning the IT Band War
If you really care about your lifespan as a lifter, you should pay a bit more attention to your IT band.
July 12
16 Weeks to a New Deadlift PR
The first man to pick up 1,000 pounds shows you how to set a new deadlift PR.
July 8
Corrective Complexes
Short but sweet corrective complexes that give method to the mobility madness.
July 7
The Biggest Training Fallacy of All
There's a big difference between training and just exercising. Do you know what it is? Find out here.