November 26
The Contreras Files: Volume IV
Here are 15 workout tips from Bret Contreras, ranging from the best way to do rows to how to get a great chest pump.
November 23
7 Overlooked Habits of Very Successful Lifters
The proper use of back-off sets, the truth about going to failure, and 5 other rarely discussed habits of great lifters.
November 21
Is a 300-Pound Bench Rare?
Is a 300-pound bench press as rare as a 21-year-old Swedish lingerie model who loves watching football and rough and tumble pillow fights with her twin sister?
November 20
Awaken the Glute Monster!
From sports performance to looking good in a pair of jeans, the glutes are important. Here’s how to wake them up and get them working for you.
November 19
4 Weeks To Bigger Legs
Leg training multiple times per week may be torture, but it delivers rapid gains in size and strength. Here's how to do it.
November 16
4 Genetic Factors That Determine Your Success
You're a big dude with a barrel chest. Then why can that little guy who looks like a cast member of the Wizard of Oz remake outbench you?
November 15
How I Benched 400
Hitting a 400-pound bench is a goal for many lifters, yet few ever get there. They need this article.
November 13
Do Pain Pills Impair Muscle Growth?
Does your favorite NSAIDs impair muscle development? And do the benefits outweigh the risks? Here’s the science.
November 12
An Unnamed Single Leg Gem of an Exercise
There's no universally recognized name for this exercise, but we think it should be called “That movement that makes my quads bark like a dog.”
November 9
The Push Press
Everything you need to know about the push press.
November 8
The Squat 4 Times Per Week Experiment
A strength coach decides to throw the rules out the window and do high-frequency squatting. Here’s what happened.
November 7
No to Squats and Barbell Rowing?
It's not about being anti-squatting or anti-barbell rowing, it's about being pro-logic. Let your needs and goals dictate your exercise choices.
November 6
The Virtual Squat Seminar
Everything you need to know about squatting heavy, from stance to hand position. Check it out.
November 2
Bodybuilding's Original Superhero: Chuck Sipes
Old school bodybuilders were as strong as they were big. None was more impressive than Chuck Sipes.
October 30
Do This, Not That
Add these variations to your strength training staples and kick start some new growth and athleticism.
October 29
20 Almost Laws of Strength Training
There are things you absolutely must do to get big and strong. And then there's the stuff that didn't quite make the cut.
October 26
Maxing on Squats and Deadlifts Every Day
The Bulgarians knew long ago that lifting more frequently leads to greater gains. Here's how to apply the Bulgarian method to your own training.
October 24
The Variable Recovery Training System
A great training program that blends a little old school with a little new school. It's a little complicated, so put on your wee little thinking caps.
October 23
Maximal Strength Training for Muscle Mass
Lots of geek strength-training science, 10 actionable tips on how to build muscle, and one effective program thrown in for good measure. Read this.