May 16
Dips: The Upper Body Squat
Dips are awesome, but you better learn proper form and how to dose them. Once that's done, try ring dips, countdowns, combos, and dead stops.
May 14
Testosterone Replacement Therapy: Safe or Deadly?
The lawyers, the media, and supposedly science are saying that testosterone might kill you. Could they be right?
May 13
From 0 to 100: Know Your Percentages!
Each training percentage, from zero to 100% of your 1RM, has a distinct effect on speed, power, and hypertrophy. Here’s how to use that info wisely.
May 9
4 Scary New Ways to Squat
When you live in a dangerous world you sometimes need to train in a "dangerous" manner to be ready for it.
May 8
New Rules of the Overhead Press
Very few lifters know how to perform the overhead press correctly. Stand out from the crowd and learn to nail this sucker.
May 7
4 Ways to Fire Up Work Capacity
Roll like a martial artist, do loaded sprints, and use complexes wisely to build all-around athleticism and strength.
May 2
Heavy Deadlifting 101
Sumo or conventional stance? Mixed, overhand or hook grip? And what's the best way to program it? You have deadlift questions, Matt Kroc has answers.
May 1
Top 10 Tips from a Pro Bodybuilder
IFBB pro Amit Sapir condenses over 20 years of training knowledge into 10 tips for novices and 10 tips for advanced lifters.
April 29
The 7-Day Biceps Cure
Want visibly bigger biceps next week? This program has been proven to add a fourth of an inch or more to your arms in 7 days.
April 25
4 Ways to Test Your Recovery Rate
If you run a simple test every morning, you'll know whether or not you should go balls-out in the gym that day.
April 24
Big Guys Use Bad Form
What's called “cheating” by the form police may be just what you need to add some serious size.
April 22
More Muscle in 10 Minutes A Day
With just a kettlebell and a home pull-up bar you can easily increase your training frequency and pack on some new muscle. Here’s how.
April 18
How To Build A Tight, Rock-Hard Waist
Shrink your waist, maximize strength, and crush the big lifts with these core training techniques.
April 16
Back Squats vs. Box Squats
The box squat doesn't get all that much respect, but in this match-up, it's the Rocky Balboa of the squat world.
April 11
P90X and Muscle Confusion: The Truth
You may not be doing P90X, but plenty of your schmuck friends are. Let them read this and save them from mediocrity.
April 10
The 185 Rep Squat Workout
Climb out of that training rut and challenge your muscles and mental fortitude with these old-school squat workouts.
April 7
The Death of Steady State Cardio
Endurance work makes you soft and weak. Steady state cardio, as a fat loss tool, should be buried. Metabolic interval training or HIIT is far superior.
April 4
Bench Press More in 4 Weeks
To bench more weight, bench more often, practice pauses, train the bottom part of the press, and have a smart plan.
April 2
8 x 2 and Hybrid Density Training
When just slapping extra weight on the bar fails, you need to look at effective ways to increase volume or density.