October 28
Tip: Cutting Phase 101
Use these quick guidelines for protein, carb, and fat intake the next time you're trying to get down to 10% body fat or less.
Tip: 25 Ways to Smash Strength Plateaus
Can't seem to add another 5 pounds to your bench press? Squat or deadlift stuck? Try one of these proven methods.
October 27
Tip: Crossover Step Sled Pulls
Crossover sled pulls add a lateral force production tool to your sled training toolbox.
Tip: The Single-Arm Pullover
This variation of the pullover will build core strength in a whole new way. NFL athlete Fernando Velasco demonstrates.
Tip: The Mineral for Chronic Muscle Soreness
A little soreness is good, but too much soreness for too long will squash your gains. This inexpensive mineral will help.
October 26
Tip: Single-Leg Pushes and Pulls
Ramp up the unilateral intensity or bring up your weak side by pushing with the same leg, then switch legs and repeat.
Tip: Glute Bridge Pullover
This variation simulates a decline pullover (more range of motion) but with extra core engagement. NFL athlete Jarius Wynn demonstrates.
Tip: Mass Gain 101
Here's the smart way to adjust your diet and your training for your next bulking phase.
Tip: The Italian Tune-Up
A fast metcon workout that melts fat and builds muscle. Works with cycling, running, or ropes. Check it out.
October 25
Tip: Push-Drag with Straps
Add an upper-body and core challenge to your sled drags with this tough variation.
Tip: Front Squat to Box
Nail your quads with this exercise. Be sure to pause 1-2 seconds on the box.
Tip: Ramp Up Your Prowler Training
Change up your arm position and get more from your sled work. Here's how.
Tip: The Inverse Squat
Squat backwards to build stability and strength. Here's how.
October 24
Tip: Pistol Squat Hold with Leg Exchange
Already good at pistol squats? Showoff. Now try this advanced variation.
Tip: Long Duration Sumo Squat Hold
End leg day with this 45-60 second squat hold. It'll help with hip mobility and test your mental toughness.
Tip: Reverse Your Romanian Deadlift
Use this exercise to ingrain a good hip hinge, make your lower back feel better, and build a bigger deadlift.
Tip: How to Make the Most Newbie Gains
New to lifting? Here are some common mistakes to avoid and a simple plan for getting strong.
October 23
Tip: The Right Way to Dumbbell Bench Press
Start at the bottom with the palms facing each other. Rotate on the way up so the palms are facing forward in the end position.
Tip: Dumbbell Iso-Dynamic Elevated Split Squat
Adding deep, 3-5 second holds to your split squat ramps up lower body development and helps with tight hip flexors.