July 21
Tip: The Most Overrated Dietary Oil
The benefits of this health-food darling are way overblown. Here's what you need to know.
July 20
Tip: Simple vs. Systems vs. Science
Let's take a closer look at training science, bro-science, and the gurus who claim to know it all.
Tip: No Need to Wait So Long Between Workouts
New research says you don't have to wait 48 to 72 hours before working the same body parts again. Here's the science.
July 19
Tip: The Truth About Cortisol, DHEA, and Test
Does high stress really lead to low T? Here's the deep science.
July 18
Tip: Bent Over Lateral Raise, Back Extension Machine
This targets the glutes, hamstrings, postural muscles and, of course, the rear delts.
Tip: The T-Shirt Bench Press
Set a new PR on the bench press by preparing for it with this ego-crushing technique.
July 17
Tip: GHR Bent Over Lateral Raise
This is a true multi-functional exercise. It not only works the rear delts, but it nails the entire posterior chain from head to toe.
Tip: Squat Like a CAT
Use this training method to perfect your technique and build explosiveness out of the hole.
Tip: A Hidden Cause of Low T
Several things can cause low testosterone, but here's one most people don't know about.
July 16
Tip: The Sicilian Crunch
Abs respond better to heavy weights because of their muscle fiber makeup. Here's one way to nail those fast-twitch fibers.
Tip: The 30-Minute Trick for a Better Day
Make every day better. Start it by working on yourself and getting your mind right. Here's how.
July 15
Tip: The Reverse Paused Deadlift
This technique uses a pause during the lowering portion of the rep. Great for strength development, technique improvement, and muscle growth.
July 14
Tip: Your Chin-Up is Weak and Ugly. Let's Fix It.
Are you swinging back and forth? Are you struggling to get even a couple of good reps? Here's what to do.
July 13
Tip: Take Gratitude To The Extreme
This mental exercise is harder than you think. Try it for a week and become a tougher, happier person.
Tip: The World's Fittest Athlete
Are the top CrossFitter's really the fittest all-around athletes? Here's one strength coach's opinion.
July 12
Tip: Single-Arm Barbell Row with Band
Stimulate new back growth by changing the angle. Use a Landmine device (or place a bar in a corner). Attach a band for a more intense peak contraction.
Tip: The 20-Percent Experiment
Get a better workout every single time you walk into the gym. Here's how.
July 11
Tip: The Compound Row
A great back exercise, especially for athletes.
Tip: Do Something Fast Every Day
Everyone needs a little power and speed training, even bodybuilders. Here's why and how to slide it into your program.