January 22
Tip: Use 5 Types of Supersets
Here's everything you need to know about supersets. Check it out.
January 21
Tip: Do the Lap Barbell Curl
We bet you've never tried this explosive biceps exercise. Check it out.
January 20
Tip: Build Hams by Elevating Front of Feet
Get better results with the RDL and good morning by lifting the front of your feet on a plate. Here's why and how to do it.
Tip: Drink Coffee to Boost Your Metabolism
How to wisely use coffee to speed fat loss, increase performance, and dull cravings.
January 19
Tip: Push Press For Massive Strength
Get strong in the push press and you'll get strong on everything else. Here's why.
January 17
Tip: Eat More White Potatoes
Think potatoes are "bad" carbs because of some study you heard about? Turns out the studies were bad, not the spuds. Here's the truth.
January 16
Tip: Use the 40 Reps Method for Growth
Stop thinking in sets. Instead, think about load and total reps. You'll get better results. Here's how.
January 15
Tip: Do This 3-Minute Shoulder Warm-Up
All you need is a band and a few minutes to improve posture and lifting performance. Here's how to do it.
January 14
Tip: Make Your Own Healthy Ketchup
This no-sugar-added, grown-up ketchup will blow your mind. Here's how to make it.
January 13
Tip: Do the Blitzkrieg Triple Press
Blast your chest with this unique dumbbell bench press variation. Here's how to do it.
January 12
Tip: Build Your Pecs with the Squeeze Press
Looks weird, works great for building a bigger chest. Here's how to do it.
Tip: Do the Constant-Tension Curl
Stretch out those shirtsleeves by adding this unique exercise variation to your arm training plan. Here's how to do it.
January 11
Tip: Adopt the Average Sucks Mindset
Stop saying you're in a maintenance phase. It only leads to slow regression. Here's why and how to fix it.
Tip: Do Squat-Lunge Supersets for Quads & Glutes
This vicious low-body combo builds muscle, challenges your conditioning, and burns fat. Here's how to do it.
January 10
Tip: Bring Up a Puny Muscle Like This
Got small quads, a weak chest, or lagging triceps? Here's the smart way to bring them up to par.
Tip: Moderate Your Antioxidant Intake
Too many antioxidants is not better than too few, and may do more harm than good. Here's what you need to know.
January 9
Tip: Re-Think Your Recovery Days
For faster gains, do a little non-eccentric exercise on your off days. Here's how.
Tip: Find Your Ideal Squat Stance
Most powerlifters are better off with a wide stance, but you have to use what's right for your body. Here's your guide.
January 8
Tip: Break Mental Barriers to Squat Heavy
You have to mentally prepare for a PR squat. Here's how to do it.