August 26
Tip: The New Loaded Carry. Sort Of.
Loaded carries like farmer's walks can be tough to do when the gym is packed. Try this version instead.
August 15
Tip: 2.5 Inch Deficit Deadlifts
For this deadlift variation, stand on a small platform or plates. Great accessory exercise to boost your standard deadlift strength.
August 14
Tip: Constant Tension RDL
With this Romanian deadlift variation, you don't reset the bar every rep. Lighten the weight a bit and shoot for constant tension.
August 7
Tip: The Rest-Pause Bench Press
Do as many good reps as you can in the 4-6 rep range. Your goal will then be to double that number of reps. To do that you take short rest periods (15 seconds).
August 6
Hot Debate: Which Squat is Best?
Everyone's got an opinion on squats. And now that partials are in the spotlight thanks to Lebron James, there's more confusion. Let's clear it up.
August 3
Tip: Cluster Training for New Muscle Growth
Using intra-set rest periods to build muscle and strength. Bonus: This training method will keep your form in check. Here's how.
July 30
Tip: Swear for More Strength and Power
New research shows that cussing can boost anaerobic power and grip strength. Here's the science.
July 23
Tip: 6 Suspension Strap Moves for Serious Lifters
Think those TRX-style gadgets are just for newbies? Think again. Try these challenging exercises.
July 20
Tip: Simple vs. Systems vs. Science
Let's take a closer look at training science, bro-science, and the gurus who claim to know it all.
July 17
Tip: Squat Like a CAT
Use this training method to perfect your technique and build explosiveness out of the hole.
July 15
Tip: The Reverse Paused Deadlift
This technique uses a pause during the lowering portion of the rep. Great for strength development, technique improvement, and muscle growth.
July 10
Tip: The New-Exercise-Only Week
Flex your programming muscles, make your joints feel better, and accelerate progress. Here's how.
July 2
Tip: Romanian Deadlift With Band
Use this to fire up your hams, glutes, and upper back before deadlifts. It's great for grooving the hip hinge pattern.
Uncomplicated Barbell Strength
Want to boost your big three? Use CAT squats, T-shirt benches, and paused deads. Here's how.
June 27
Tip: Deadlift Setup: Take the Slack Out
Just before liftoff, take the slack out by pulling the chest up and pulling the bar against the weights. Listen for the clink.
June 25
Tip: The One Lift to Focus On
Want to build full-body strength? Do this lift twice per week.
June 20
Tip: Go Hard, Then Go Home. But Go Hard Often.
How to adjust your training week to allow for more protein synthesis and trigger more muscle growth.
June 16
Tip: The Forgotten Grip Strength Builder
Go lighter for more gains? Yes. Work your way up to doing this exercise for 5 minutes straight for big forearms and a monster grip.
June 15
Tip: Perform All Rep Ranges, Regardless of Goals
Train heavy. Train light. Train somewhere in between. It works for strength and size. Here's why.