November 23
Tip: Progression Methods, T Nation Boot Camp
After one of our boot camp workouts, Coach Thibaudeau talked about several ways to progress in training.
November 21
A Fatal Mistake in Size Training
Most training programs focus on adding weight to the bar, but the best way to add muscle is to focus on volume. Here why and how to do it.
November 20
8 Things You're Not Supposed to Do... That Work
Sometimes the rules need to be rewritten. Here are eight supposedly wrong things that work great for these experts.
November 17
Tip: Young vs. Old: Who Wins?
A surprising study looks at the recovery rates of 20-somethings vs. 40-somethings.
November 15
Tip: JM Floor Press
The floor variation of this powerlifting accessory exercise builds triceps size and lockout strength on the bench press.
Tip: Band-Resisted Floor Press
Here's an easy way to add accommodating resistance to the floor press using only one band. Try it out and boost your bench press PR.
Tip: The Number One Thing That Needs to Change
The longer you've been lifting hard, the more this advice applies.
November 14
Tip: Body-Build to Keep Strength Gains Coming
Hypertrophy training should always be a part of your plan, even if your primary goal is strength. Here's why.
November 13
Tip: For Maximal Strength, Periodize Your Training
Only newbies can bring up every lift at the same time. Once you get stronger, you'll have to get smarter. Here's how.
November 10
Tip: Attack the Bar Violently
Build strength and set new personal records using compensatory acceleration training. Here's how.
November 9
Tip: 6 Reeves-Grip Trap Bar Exercises
Using a trap bar combined with the Reeves grip (holding the plates) puts you in a great position for training the traps, legs, back, and more.
Tip: The Biggest Mistake Lifters Make
If your main goal right now is to build strength, avoid this common mistake.
November 8
Tip: 4 Technique Fixers for Strength Gains
There's nothing dumber than trying to get stronger without first getting your technique right. Follow these handy guidelines.
November 6
Tip: Unrack the Bar Right
No spotter? These simple tips will allow you to use more weight and stay safe on the bench press.
Tip: For Strength, Simplify Your Workout
To get strong, take the minimalist approach. Here's why.
November 2
Tip: Speed Squats and Pause Squats
Boost your squat numbers by learning to impart maximal velocity to the bar. Here are two ways to do it.
October 28
Tip: 25 Ways to Smash Strength Plateaus
Can't seem to add another 5 pounds to your bench press? Squat or deadlift stuck? Try one of these proven methods.
October 25
The Suicide Grip: Dangerous or Smart?
A thumbless grip is scary to lifters who don't know how to do it, but it can be used safely. In fact, it's better for your shoulders. Here's why.
Tip: The Inverse Squat
Squat backwards to build stability and strength. Here's how.