March 17
Tip: The Single Most Effective Fat Loss Strategy
Take 100 people and put them on a diet. Who will be most successful? The people who do this.
March 13
5 Fat Loss Myths You Still Believe
These diet beliefs are still rampant online. Let's end that now.
February 28
Tip: Fat Loss and Muscle Retention
Do you have to lose some muscle to lose fat? Not really. Here are some calorie guidelines to get you started.
February 3
Tip: The Two Keys to Permanent Fat Loss
What's the best diet for losing fat? Answer: Any eating plan that contains BOTH of the elements discussed here.
December 18
Why Fat Loss is Harder for Women
When it comes to exercise and fat loss, it's a lot harder for women than it is for men. Here's what they can do about it to even the scales.
December 10
Tip: The Foreskin Supplement?
No, no, it's called forskolin. And it's been proven to improve body composition... if you take the right kind.
December 8
Tip: How Going to the Gym Can Make You Fatter
If you know you're going to hit the gym tomorrow, it often affects what and how much you eat today. Here's the science.
October 21
Tip: How to Boost Appetite Suppressing Hormones
Research suggests that adding this food to your meals promotes the release of hunger squashing, fat burning hormones.
September 2
Tip: The Best Healthy Eating/Fat Loss Tip
Adopting this simple practice will make you lose body fat, not to mention providing you with better nutrition than you've probably ever had before.
August 15
Tip: 5 Facts About Fat You MUST Remember
Don't forget the importance of fat. Here's what kind, and how much you need (minimum) for testosterone production.
July 30
Tip: 3 Unexpected Ways to Get Lean
Boost your metabolism, improve blood sugar levels, and increase metabolic flexibility. Here's how.
June 30
Tip: The Triage Method For Fat Loss
Need to drop some body fat? Keep calm and make it sustainable. Use this approach.
June 19
Tip: Glucose Monitoring for Fat Loss
Here's how out-of-range blood sugar can be affecting your ability get shredded.
June 18
Tip: This Can Stop Fat Loss
It's a common problem that can stall fat loss and wreck your health, even if your diet is in check.
June 6
Why You're Not Losing Fat
Lowered your calories? Training harder? Then why is your body fighting back? Here's what's working against you and how to fix it.
June 5
Tip: The Fat Guy's Eating Pattern
One pattern of eating disrupts metabolism and dietary behaviors more than any other. Here's how to avoid it.
June 4
Tip: 3 Habits for Maintaining Leanness
Getting ripped is tough. Staying ripped can be tougher. Here's how one pro does it.
June 2
Tip: 10 Strategies to Stop Binge Eating
Binging is a common problem among lifters. Here's how Coach Thibaudeau cured this bad habit.
May 27
Tip: Marriage & Fat Loss – Unexpected Consequences
What happens to your romantic relationships when you get ripped? You may be surprised. Check out these studies.