Playing With Steroids

Whenever a steroid story breaks, the first person they call is Dr. Charles Yesalis. Oddly enough, based on the interviews over the years, we've been led to believe that Dr. Yesalis is rabidly anti-steroid. We may have been wrong.

Things You Didn't Know About Sleep

Here's another well-referenced investigation by our friendly neighborhood warrior nerd, offering facts and tips on what might just be the reason for your progress stalemate. This is one article in which the author will actually feel better if you fall asleep while reading it!

Inside Dope

Ever since the Olympics were played in ancient Greece, athletes have been looking for an edge. At that time, athletes used some very suspect compounds in hopes of increasing their strength, quickness, and endurance. They ingested various substances with the hopes of giving themselves even a slight advantage over other athletes.