July 11
Tip: The Best Hour of the Day
Stop putzing around. Make your diet, your training, and your whole day more productive with this strategy.
June 21
Tip: Inadequate Sleep and Thyroid Function
This should scare you into bed early.
March 22
Tip: 5 Foundational Steps to Training Success
Reaching your physique or performance goal is about more than sets, reps, and exercises. Here's how to get your mindset right.
February 9
Tip: Why Lifters Are Going to Live a Long Time
A side effect of what you're doing in the gym may make you live longer than those wraith-like calorie-restriction guys.
August 13
Tip: The Truth About Catch-Up Sleep
Does sleeping in on weekends help you make up for poor weekday sleep? Or does it just make you fatter? Science has taken a look.
March 5
Tip: Is Your Phone Wrecking Your Workout?
Is your smartphone making your workout dumb? Or does it make your workout better? Science has some answers.
January 1
Tip: To Lose Fat, Stop Being a Pantywaist
This may hurt your feelings, but it'll also solve your fat loss problem. Step away from your safe space and check it out.
November 16
Tip: Being Fat Is Your Fault
And that's good news. Here's why the first step to fat loss is taking personal responsibility. Warning: Real talk here.
October 19
Tip: Avoid the Goal Vampires
There are people in your life that want to suck out your energy and hold you back. Here's how to spot them and what to do about it.
October 17
Tip: 2 Ways to Fight Sitting Disease
Forced to sit four or more hours a day? It doesn't matter how much you exercise, it'll still hurt you. Here are 3 practical solutions.
October 15
Tip: A Quick Guide to Hardcore Sleeping
Inadequate sleep reduces insulin sensitivity and makes you fat. Here's why and how to get more restorative sleep.
October 13
Tip: 3 Ways to Beat Chronic Stress
Your body needs cortisol, but too much will wreck your gains and performance. Here's how to keep it under control.
May 20
Tip: Stop Disregarding the Importance of Sleep
Lack of sleep makes you fatter and even leads to muscle loss, regardless of diet. Check this out.
March 31
7 Things You Should Do Before You Die
This isn't your regular bucket list. These are the bodybuilding things you should do before you croak. How many have you checked off?
March 3
Hollywood's Best-Built Villain
Hollywood's go-to guy for sci-fi and action thrillers opens up about movie muscle, steroids, and stereotypes in this exclusive interview.
Tip: Fight the Light and Sleep Better
No sleep, no gains. Here's how to get better sleep and maximize recovery.
December 28
Tip: Don't Fight Insomnia. Get Up.
There's a reason you wake up in the middle of the night. Don't fight it. Here's why.
December 15
Tip: Use These 4 Strategies for Better Sleep
Stress and anxiety keep you from getting restorative sleep. That kills gains. Here's how to squash stress and sleep deeply.
November 5
4 Ways Modern Life is Making You Fat
Even if you train hard and eat right, these four things can trigger fat gain, wreck your sleep, and kill your strength. Here's how to fight them.