July 25
Tip: The Case for Full-Fat Dairy
Choose the right sources and dairy is not only healthy, it's also a muscle-building powerhouse.
July 19
Get Jacked, Not Skinny Fat
Most guys who try to get huge just end up getting fat. Or worse, skinny fat. Here's why that happens and how to prevent it.
July 16
The 7-Day Nutrition Challenge
Try one of these dietary approaches to kickstart your fat loss, crush your bad habits, and challenge yourself with something new.
July 2
Tip: The Smart Way to Prepare Your Veggies
Eat your vegetables they say. But what if veggies just make you bloated and cause digestion issues? Here are some tips.
June 30
Tip: The Triage Method For Fat Loss
Need to drop some body fat? Keep calm and make it sustainable. Use this approach.
June 22
Tip: Frozen is Better Than Fresh
Freezing sometimes increases the nutritional value of foods, so stop categorizing frozen food as processed.
June 21
The Anti-Inflammation Toolkit
Inflammation is damaging our health and impeding our training. Here's how to douse the flames.
June 19
Tip: Glucose Monitoring for Fat Loss
Here's how out-of-range blood sugar can be affecting your ability get shredded.
June 10
Tip: Pick the Right Protein for the Job
Avoid the fakes and choose the best protein for your goals. Here's a handy guide.
June 8
The 16:8 Fasting Diet
There are a ton of different ways to fast. Here's one that's not too painful and will get you shredded fast.
June 6
Tip: The Breakfast and Dinner Trick
Want to prevent fat gain once you've leaned up? Give these two protocols a shot.
June 5
Tip: The Fat Guy's Eating Pattern
One pattern of eating disrupts metabolism and dietary behaviors more than any other. Here's how to avoid it.
June 4
Tip: The Protein First Diet Strategy
Simple, easy, satisfying, and it'll help keep those abs visible. Here's how it works.
Tip: 3 Habits for Maintaining Leanness
Getting ripped is tough. Staying ripped can be tougher. Here's how one pro does it.
June 2
Tip: 10 Strategies to Stop Binge Eating
Binging is a common problem among lifters. Here's how Coach Thibaudeau cured this bad habit.
June 1
Tip: Another Great Reason to Drink Green Tea
It has tons of health and fat-burning benefits, but here's another reason you may want to cool off with iced green tea this summer.
May 27
Tip: Marriage & Fat Loss – Unexpected Consequences
What happens to your romantic relationships when you get ripped? You may be surprised. Check out these studies.
May 24
How to Poop Like a Champion
Oh sure, laugh. But chronic constipation affects 63 million people. And lifters with weird diets may be especially prone to it. Here's how to fix it.
May 22
8 Weapons to Kick Cancer's Butt
Sooner or later, cancer will stick its ugly face into your life or the life of someone you care about. The time to start fighting is now. Here's how.