The Specialization Zone

If you want to build huge muscles, you must continually challenge them by placing a greater demand upon them. If you stick with the same stress level month after month, you'll quickly reach a point where your body is used to the stress and won't need to adapt (i.e. grow) anymore.

Sticking Point Therapy

Sticking points are much like those really talkative, naked old men in your gym's locker room: you'd rather avoid them! Nothing's more frustrating than making good progress overall but failing to improve on the "big lifts" (bench press, squat, deadlift, military press, etc.)

You're a Yo-Yo Dieter!

What do competitive physique athletes and sedentary housewives have in common? They’re both yo-yo dieters and suffer the same health issues because of it. Here’s how to avoid the problems.
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