November 5
Create Tension, Build More Muscle
These workouts use “set extenders” to create massive mechanical tension and trigger fast muscle growth.
October 31
4 Training & Diet Arguments: Resolved!
The scientific facts about machines vs. free weights, calorie quality vs. quantity, hard work vs. genetics, and high volume vs. heavy weight.
October 28
The 4 Most Debilitating Exercises
Bench press, deadlift, deep squat, leg press: Which one could mess you up the most and how can you prevent it?
October 27
Strengthen Your Strict Pull-Up
Want a better body? You need to get good at strict pull-ups. And that means no kipping.
October 22
Build the Perfect Home Gym
Sick of working out with guys who curl in the squat rack? It's time to build your own 24-hour fitness facility. Here's how.
October 17
3 Supersets for Big Pecs, Lats and Quads
These painful combos prolong time under tension and increase metabolic stress. That means a bigger chest, back, and legs!
October 15
Lift 3 Days a Week and Grow
No time to train six days per week? No worries. You can build muscle and increase strength with these intelligent and tough full-body workouts.
October 8
The Deload is Dead
Forget taking a deload week. You can rest when you're dead. Scheduled contrast weeks are far superior.
October 7
5 New Reasons to Train on One Leg
Single-leg training has many benefits you've probably heard about. Here are 5 you haven't.
October 1
100 Reps to Ripped
Sets of 50-100 reps, performed with a minimum number of pauses, can be used to break plateaus, build muscle, or burn fat. Here's how.
September 25
The Bodybuilder-Powerlifter Hybrid
Bodybuilders are all show and no go. Powerlifters are fat. Rather than stereotype, a good lifter needs to be both a bodybuilder and a powerlifter.
September 24
Redefining The Female Bodybuilder
Let's redefine what it means to be a female bodybuilder. If a woman lifts to build muscle, she is one. And damn proud of it.
September 19
9 Training Concepts That Suck
Bodybuilding and strength training have hundreds of rules you need to follow to make progress. Trouble is, many of them suck. Break them.
September 18
Stimulants & Explosive Performance
Stimulants can really get you amped up for a tough workout, but do they have other effects as well? Dr. Lowery hooked himself up to fancy lab equipment to find out.
September 12
10 Ways to Keep Building Muscle
Sooner or later, gains slow down. But they don't have to. Here's how to keep getting stronger, bigger, and better looking.
September 10
6 Ways to Bring the Pain
Increase time under tension and trigger new muscle growth with these six lethal combinations of compound and static exercises.
September 8
How Hard Do You Need to Work Out?
The average person will gauge the quality of his workout by his level of discomfort. But is driving yourself into the ground every workout necessary?
September 5
Triple Threat Core Training
Properly bracing your abs can immediately boost your strength. Combine that trick with three core exercises and you've got high performance and great abs.
September 4
Hellfire Reps
A simple technique that forces you to use better form and full range of motion. It'll burn like heck, but you'll like the results!