August 5
8 Minutes to Awesome
What would happen if you did push-ups and bodyweight squats every day?
August 3
7 Ways to Get Jacked With Olympic Lifts
Olympic lifting isn't meant to pack on tons of muscle. But there is a way to train the O-lifts and build muscle at the same time. Here's how.
July 31
5 Ways You're Wasting Time in the Gym
Think you're making the best use of your gym time? Yeah, probably not. It's time to get accountable and get smarter about your workouts. Here's how.
July 30
How To Do One-Arm Pull-Ups
You know you want to be able to crank out a few. Here's your complete guide to mastering one of the most respected bodyweight exercises.
July 23
10 Training Tricks for Big Men
If you look like a less-hairy version of Bigfoot, then you can't always train the same way as smaller guys. Here are the differences you need to know.
July 22
The Single Best Hamstring Exercise
Hamstrings are the weak link for most lifters. Don't be one of them. Here's how to hammer your hams to increase strength, power, speed, and explosiveness.
July 10
Core Training That Isn't Stupid
Drop the planks and crunches. There's a better way. Here's how to really train your core to build overall strength and athleticism.
July 6
The Big 3 Lifts Suck For Size Gains
Sorry, but if you want to get maximally jacked, you need to do more than the squat, bench press, and deadlift. Here's why.
July 2
8 Ways to Never Get Injured Again
Got nagging injuries? Stop working through them and start preventing them in the first place. Here's how.
July 1
Build Your Backside, Destroy the Competition
If you're like most lifters, your glutes, hams, and lower back are lagging. Bring 'em up to perform better, get faster, be stronger, and look hotter.
June 30
10 Rules for Hardgainers
Tired of hearing "eat big to get big" by dopes who've always been big? Finally, some smart advice from someone who's been there.
June 26
Maximal Mass, Minimal Time
Your workout is fat and bloated. Here's how to trim it down to get better, faster gains in as little as 30 minutes.
June 24
Burn 450% More Calories Without Cardio
Five ways to burn fat that beat the crap out of cardio. The secret? How you perform the last set of a weight lifting exercise can lead to dramatic fat loss without losing any muscle.
June 8
A New Way to Trigger Fast Muscle Growth
Squeeze a loaded muscle and follow it with full-range reps. Why? You'll build a ton of new muscle. Here's the plan.
June 5
Powerbuilding: 4 Ways to Get Big and Strong
Mix heavy lifts with moderate lifts and blend powerlifter strength with bodybuilder size.
June 4
10 Dumb Ways to Use Smart Workout Tools
Kettlebells, chains, sleds, stability balls, and foam rollers fill the gym. Should you use them? Yes. But not like a jackass.
June 3
Why Training Stops Working and How to Fix It
Have you become nonresponsive to lifting? It can happen. Here's how to cure the problem and get your body responding again.
May 22
6 Steps to Building the Perfect Workout
Want strength? Muscle mass? Fat loss? Follow these 6 steps and finally get the results you're after.
May 21
Bodybuilding vs. Powerlifting Bench Press
Is your main goal to bench press a Buick or build a great chest? The nine differences you must know to get the results you want.