April 7
Antioxidants - Part 1
Almost every armchair nutritionist believes, deep down in his or her free radical-purged soul, that antioxidants are good for you. Trouble is, there seems to be scores of substances that have antioxidant capabilities. Figuring out which ones to take, and in what quantities, is enough to turn your body into a free-radical factory.
March 31
Man on a Mission
If dietary fat had a different name than bodyfat, maybe fewer people would be fat "phobic." To the general public, the very word "fat" carries a negative connotation.
March 10
The Forbidden Fruit?
Some fitness experts say to avoid fruit to lose fat. Do they have a point? Here’s the real story.
February 18
The Get-Big Diet for Bodybuilders
You can’t eat like a bird and look like a beast. Here’s how to calculate your calories, plus a sample eating plan.
September 24
Eat Like a Man, Part 2
It didn't hit me until that first week in the grocery store. There I was with a shopping cart full of eggs, hamburger, sausage, huge blocks of cheese, and an entire cow.
September 3
An Interview With Dr. Joey Antonio
The following is the written transcript of TC's Audio Interview with Jose Antonio, PhD.
August 27
Testosterone's Guide to the Warrior Diet
I don't like a lot of complicated instructions. Stuff like that really makes me mad and prevents me from getting involved. So, after analyzing the Warrior Diet, I've put together a simple guide on how to get started.
July 9
Protein Powder Fact and Fiction
I love meal replacement drinks (MRPs) and protein powders in general. I can't imagine life without them. But, truth be told, one of them damn near killed me once.
July 2
Having trouble adding muscle mass without adding tons of excess body fat? Try this unique eating strategy.
September 4
Do Your Supplements Work
Seems like a simple question, but things can get tricky. Here's what you need to know about various supplements.