8 Questions About Protein

The purpose of this column is tri-fold. Purpose number one is as a "refresher course" for seasoned lifters. Sure, deep down, you may know this stuff, but it's been so long since you first read about it that you've forgotten the rationale behind the subject matter.

Bedtime Story

About halfway through the night your body runs out of muscle-building fuel and leaves you in a catabolic state. Here’s what you can do about it.

Shake It Up!

Of all the effective supplements available these days, one of the best is still good 'ole protein powder. That's because without enough quality protein, then all the other issues involved in bodybuilding – training, recovery, hormone manipulation etc. – are pretty much meaningless.

Testosterone Unleashed!

Let's start with a few questions. Would you re-wrap your presents the day after Christmas? Or tie one hand behind your back before you head to the gym? Or perhaps tie up your girlfriend before you... okay, so that one's a different story.

Precision Nutrition for 2002 and Beyond

Post-workout nutrition. Pre-workout nutrition. Mid-workout nutrition. Over the last year, you've heard a whole lot about these topics and for good reason. Whether you're a strength or endurance athlete, the correct nutrients before, during, and after exercise can dramatically impact your muscle mass and recovery.