Ditch the Holiday Leftovers

I've been riddled with guilt. I threw out a batch of mom's Christmas cookies today. Her fudge went too soft – as did my wife's cornbread-sausage stuffing, the candied yams, and the bowls of lovingly prepared homemade munchies that have been sitting around my house.

Save Your Parents!

Let's see if this situation sounds vaguely familiar. You're passionate about taking care of your body. You work out, you eat right, and you take supplements to fine tune the way your body looks, feels, and functions. If you piled up all the hours you've spent studying all this stuff, you'd think some University would just flat out give you a PhD.

STOP the Catabolic Insanity!

As kids, we all looked at superheroes with a sense of awe – not just for their heroic acts of fending off the bad guys, but also for their seemingly flawless muscular bodies. In fact, I know of more than one guy who started working out in order to emulate their favourite superhero.

The Carbohydrate Roundtable - Part 2

Last week, John Berardi, Lonnie Lowery, Cy Willson, and that annoying Jared kid from the TV commercials discussed different aspects of carbohydrate metabolism. When last we left them, they were about to start explaining the differences between individual types of carbohydrates.

Something's Fishy - Part 2

Across-the-board condemnation of dietary fat is like branding all drugs as bad... or all people of a particular ethnic background as undesirable. I suppose we could call the media hype against fat "nutritional racism."

Something's Fishy - Part 1

"The aim of the legal action is to force the fast-food industry to "offer a larger variety to the consumers, including non-meat vegetarian, less grams of fat, and a reduction of size of their meals."