On-The-Go Nutrition

That's me, except it's not a van and it's not down by the river. But yeah, I basically live in my car. You see, I'm a trainer who goes to people's houses all day long to work them out, so instead of having an office as my home base, my car is my home base.


Usually in an exploration of functional foods, one hears a lot about vegetables, fruits, herbs, phytochemicals and such. That's all cool to learn, but most humans are after all omnivorous. That is, man does not generally live by plants alone.

Precious Bodily Fluids

Now that I've got your attention with the title, let's try to raise our thinking from the lower centers of bodily function and get more cerebral, shall we? (Admittedly there are those, like a certain editor around here, who can weave both into an entertaining editorial, but I'm not going to attempt that bit of literary stunt pilotry.)

Naked Truth: Xenoestrogens

The strength coaches, trainers, scientists, nutritionists, and editors at T-Nation have been debunking nutrition, supplementation, and fitness myths for years now with topics ranging from glutamine use to training frequency to tuna fish & mercury.

Man Fuel 2

When it comes to building muscle or performing at your peak athletically, nutrition is 50% of the equation. Or is it 75%? Maybe 90%? Whatever. It's, like, really important, okay?

The Low-Carb Roundtable - Part 2

Low-carbohydrate diets have certainly received their share of attention in recent years. While the popularity of Atkins, South Beach, and other low-carb diets peaked last year, it remains an interesting topic among physique athletes.

The Low-Carb Roundtable - Part 1

Low-carbohydrate diets have certainly received their share of attention in recent years. While the popularity of Atkins, South Beach, and other low-carb diets peaked last year, it remains an interesting topic among physique athletes.

Food Magic X 5

If you drop about a roll and a half of Mentos mints into a 2-liter bottle of Diet Coke, you'd better run like hell because the Mentos causes the Coke to erupt into a beautiful, 15-foot high, sugary-sweet Coca Cola geyser.

The King of Meals

You've heard it before: "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" Or perhaps you've heard it stated in reference to a long night of liver depletion and fasting catabolism: "Break the fast... breakfast!"

6 BIGGER Bulking Tips

Steve was about to begin a big bulking phase and wanted some advice. He had read the original Big Bulking Tips article and applied many of the ideas with great success, putting on 15 pounds in a little over two months.

Man Fuel 1

Despite what you might think from the title of this article "Man Fuel" is NOT the name of a new supplement from TwinLab. Instead, it's the name of a new Question and Answer column from Testosterone contributor Mike Roussell.
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