June 2
Tip: 10 Strategies to Stop Binge Eating
Binging is a common problem among lifters. Here's how Coach Thibaudeau cured this bad habit.
June 1
Tip: Another Great Reason to Drink Green Tea
It has tons of health and fat-burning benefits, but here's another reason you may want to cool off with iced green tea this summer.
May 27
Tip: Marriage & Fat Loss – Unexpected Consequences
What happens to your romantic relationships when you get ripped? You may be surprised. Check out these studies.
May 24
How to Poop Like a Champion
Oh sure, laugh. But chronic constipation affects 63 million people. And lifters with weird diets may be especially prone to it. Here's how to fix it.
May 22
8 Weapons to Kick Cancer's Butt
Sooner or later, cancer will stick its ugly face into your life or the life of someone you care about. The time to start fighting is now. Here's how.
Tip: The Jiggle Test
Here's how to know whether or not you could benefit from a cheat meal or refeed during your fat-loss diet.
May 19
Tip: Lifters Shouldn't Go Keto
Ketogenic diets might work for endurance athletes, but lifters might want to look elsewhere for a diet. Here's why.
May 17
The Most Dangerous Nutrition Myth
It's something most of us fall prey to every day, but it can wipe out the benefits of exercise and worse, ruin our health.
May 15
The 6 Skills of Intuitive Eating
You don't have to follow a strict diet to get lean. You don't have to follow a diet at all. Here's how to eat intuitively for the best results.
Tip: The Naughty Appetite Suppressant
This substance has a bad reputation, but it's relatively safe for mild metabolism boosts and appetite suppression.
May 14
Tip: Cheat Meals – A Rant
When do you get a cheat meal when dieting? When you deserve one. And you probably don't deserve one yet. Here's why.
April 30
Tip: A Pre-Meal Trick For Fat Loss
Got about 7 minutes? Do this before you eat.
April 29
Tip: 3 Ways to Sleep Like a Beast
One of the most influential factors in testosterone production is sleep quantity and quality. Here's how get some anabolic Z's.
April 26
Tip: No Training, No Carbs?
If your goal is to get shredded, should you have carbs on off days? Here's what a lot of bodybuilders do.
April 25
Tip: An Easy Way to Portion Control
Like it or not, all diets come down to eating less. Here's a simple way to take control before meals.
April 22
Tip: Eat Pasta Without Getting Fat
In fact, research shows that not only will eating pasta not make you fat, it'll make you leaner. Here's the science.
April 18
Tip: 4 Keto Diet Fails
Ketogenic diets work for some people, at least for a while. Here are the most common mistakes to avoid.
April 15
Tip: Mini-Fasting for Fat Loss
A new type of intermittent fasting allows you to lose body fat fairly painlessly while simultaneously improving fitness.
April 14
Tip: DOMS Isn't Caused By What You Think
Delayed onset muscle soreness can interfere with how much weight you can lift, and traditional methods do nothing to help it. Here's what will.