6 BIGGER Bulking Tips

Steve was about to begin a big bulking phase and wanted some advice. He had read the original Big Bulking Tips article and applied many of the ideas with great success, putting on 15 pounds in a little over two months.

Man Fuel 1

Despite what you might think from the title of this article "Man Fuel" is NOT the name of a new supplement from TwinLab. Instead, it's the name of a new Question and Answer column from Testosterone contributor Mike Roussell.

Periodize Your Diet!

It's borderline heresy that I even considered writing this article. As if being a lightweight powerlifter wasn't bad enough, my actions here will probably get me ostracized by the powerlifting community. Yes, folks, I'm a powerlifter writing a nutrition article.

Nutrition for Athletes

As most T-Mag readers know, John Berardi's been around the block so many times, he makes the mailman look like a slacker. A nutrition consultant to everyone from hockey players to soccer moms, when this guy talks sports nutrition - you'd better listen. Need more convincing?

7 Tips for Long Term Leanness

The fitness magazines are full of them. The bodybuilding rags are full of them. Even T-Nation is full of them: articles about how to lose fat and discover your abs. What's missing? Simple: Info on how to stay that way once you've reached your goal.

Temporal Nutrition Q&A

I'm a salty consumer advocate. Ask anyone I know, including the editors of this web site. Being such, I do my best to associate only with good people whether it's in academics, business, or personal endeavors. Likewise, I associate myself only with ideas and concepts that have both empirical and professional support.

Dairy Dilemma

So why an article on dairy? Because the controversy it elicits gets people hotter than Louis Pasteur's Bunsen burners, that's why. In fact, raging debates have broken out many times over the years here among the T-faithful. Just recently TC had to break out the rubber bullets to keep an angry mob of anti-dairy zealots from tearing down the place.
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