November 29
Carb Cycling for Idiots
It's wintertime and you're faced with the yearly seasonal conundrum: do I go on a mass building cycle and say goodbye to my abs until the spring, or can I possibly keep my abs while bulking up?
November 21
20 Minutes to a Hard Body
Chris Shugart has all kinds of tips on how to ruin your Thanksgiving and holiday dinners. No big deal. You'll thank him afterwards for ensuring that you're not picked to play Santa Claus this year.
November 6
Nutrition for Newbies - Part 2
Not sure what to eat? Here are 14 nutritional nuggets, and how to accomplish almost any physique goal. Check it out.
November 5
Nutrition for Newbies - Part 1
New to lifting? Here's what you need to know about nutrition. Check it out.
September 27
Skin Deep: Nutrition and Good Skin
Whether you're a pock-marked adolescent or a 35-year-old who prematurely looks like an old catcher's mitt, the health of your skin is probably important to you. Dr. Alan Logan knows how to use nutrition to fix you up.
September 18
Injuries: Nutrition and Recovery
Rest, ice, and Celebrex aren't the ways to treat strains, tendonitis, or fractures. John Berardi and Ryan Andrews tell you how to win the war against injuries using items from your pantry and fridge.
September 12
Muscle on a Budget 1
You didn't hit your football pool this week, and now you gotta buy a new physiology textbook to replace the one your dog ate. How the heck are you going to have any money left over for food?
September 5
Cooking the Power Foods - Part 2
Seven superfoods you should be eating and how to make them into delicious meals.
August 29
The Bodybuilder's Diet Coach
If you're a top-level competitive bodybuilder and you're serious about getting your diet right, you go to Justin Harris. He'll help you – provided he's not busy fine-tuning his own 265-pound frame in preparation for an upcoming contest.
August 22
Lean and Mean Cookin'
How to eat right, get full, and woo women.
August 9
Cooking the Power Foods - Part 1
The healthiest stuff to eat can also be the tastiest stuff to eat. Check out these 6 meal ideas.
August 2
The New Low-Carb Guru
Dr. Jeff Volek is one of the leading "new school" researchers in the areas of nutrition, resistance training, lipid metabolism, and endocrinology. He also knows more about low-carb dieting than just about anyone else on the planet.
July 19
Nutrition For Newbies
Ten basic, but often ignored, eating guidelines guaranteed to improve your body composition and fuel your workouts.
July 12
Top 9 Bodybuilding Recipes
Eating to be lean and muscular doesn't mean forfeiting flavor. And these aren't your typical bodybuilder recipes. Here's how to make food so good you don't even know it's healthy. Get the recipes.
June 28
Carbohydrate Tolerance
There's a term used to describe people who don't control their tolerance to carbohydrates. They're called fat people. Dave Barr is here to tell you how to make carbs work for you and not against you.
May 3
Top 3 Nutritional Mistakes
No reaching your physique goals? Are you making one of these common mistakes? Check out the list.
April 12
Nutrition Quest 3
Did you know that if you pig out after a short calorie restriction period, you can trick your body into adding more muscle? Did you know that you can make protein bars out of road kill? Okay we lied about that last one, but regardless, Mike does offer some cool recipes for high-protein snacks.
March 14
The Fat Loss Troubleshooter
Can't lose fat? Can't figure out why? Well, can you answer simple "yes" or "no" questions? Of course you can! And that's all Dr. L's nifty little algorithm requires. You should have the answer to your fat-loss dilemma in no time and soon be well on your way to buffdom.
March 8
Saturated Fat
One of the most controversial topics in nutrition is fat. Let’s bust some myths about it.