May 8
Grass-Fed Beef Recipes for a Healthy, Hard Body
Five healthy recipes you gotta try.
April 23
Superfood Super Recipes
It's hard to work fruits and vegetables into your diet, especially vegetables. It's not like you can add spinach or broccoli sprouts to muffins, cheesecakes, and pancakes... or can you?
April 9
Good Sh!t
Today's menu includes Low-Carb Red and Green Pizza, Baked Stuffed Apples, Baja Fish Tacos, and Pina Colada Protein Shakes. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who looks crappy without a shirt on.
April 1
28 Days, 14 Missions, 1 Ripped Physique
Chris Shugart is giving you 14 missions to accomplish in 28 days. We will disavow any knowledge of your actions should you or any of your IM Force fail to get ripped. This post will self-destruct in 10 seconds.
March 26
Soy: What's the Big Deal?
Back in 1998, TC broke the story about the evils of soy, reporting how it might squelch Testosterone levels and even kill testicular cells. Have we found out more about soy? John Berardi and Ryan Andrews review the latest research.
March 19
8 Instant Ways to Make Healthy Meals Delicious
Maybe you don't fancy yourself a chef. No problem. Here are some really easy ways to spice up your bland bodybuilding foods.
March 18
Nutrition Quest 4
In this column, Dr. Roussell answers your questions about fat burners and glucomannan.
February 26
Fructose Wars
Is fructose as bad as some people say it is? Our nutrition experts have the answer.
February 21
5 Lessons in Hardcore Cookin
Learn how to make "Anabolic Eggs", "Full Frontal Frittatas", "Metabolic Pie", and "Beer Can Chicken". (Just don't go crazy and try that last recipe with a keg of beer and a whole cow.)
January 31
The Paillard Method
How to make the best chicken you’ll ever eat. All it takes is love… and a hammer. Oh, and some violence. Check it out.
Sodium, Your Secret Weapon
Here’s why athletes and bodybuilders need more, not less, sodium in their diets to ensure optimal health, performance, and even gains.
January 22
Shredded at Last
Here’s how to get rid of those last few pounds of stubborn fat with carb cycling and just the right amount of conditioning work.
January 17
Half-Calorie Granola
With apologies to Tony the Tiger, breakfast cereals sucks. And that includes the "healthy" cereals, too. Time to whip up some of your own using low-fat, low-sugar ingredients: low on calories, high on flavor!
January 10
Preparing for Battle
If you need to decide what to eat, track down those foods in the proper amounts, and then finally take a bite – the chances of you skipping that meal are much higher. Here's how to take the thinking out of eating.
January 9
Applied Nutrigenomics
Did you know that one person's physiological response to a certain drug or supplement can be 70 times stronger than it is in another person? It all has to do with the science of Nutrigenomics.
January 8
5 Reasons for Failed Body Transformations
Everyone wants a great “after” photo, but why do so few achieve it? Probably because of one (or more) of these mistakes.
The 2008 Fat Loss Roundtable - Part 2
Our fat-loss panel shoots down just about every dieter's tip known to fat bastards the world wide. Fortunately, the single-digit body fat trio offers up a bunch of stuff that works, too.
January 7
The 2008 Fat Loss Roundtable - Part 1
It's the New Year, the traditional time to think about ditching all that blubber. What's the best way to do it, low carbs, low fat, low calories, exercise, supplements, or some novel approach?
December 20
When Gourmet Meets Nutrition
John Berardi's made a living from coming up with great tasting recipes that are incredibly delicious but these latest selections are downright inspired. Throw away the Christmas goodies and try some of these instead.