May 31
Sucker Punch: Dr. John Berardi
Dr. John Berardi gives us the details on nutrition for athletes, diet strategy, food behavior, and Georges St. Pierre. See what he has to say.
Puncturing Popular Broscience Myths
Are you still following this old school bodybuilding advice? It's time to call out the common myths. Here's what it is and why it's wrong.
May 17
5 Foods You Should Be Eating
If you want to build a healthy, muscular physique, the quality of your food matters. Here's what to add to your diet.
January 28
Food Nazi: Nuts to You
Harness the metabolic power of real food to build muscle, lose fat, and live damn-near forever.
January 12
Nutritional Leverage with Shelby Starnes 2
A bodybuilding diet expert answers all your questions, covering everything from cheat meals to how to measure body fat. Check it out.
January 8
Fat Loss Edition 1
The T Nation coaches take a quick look at a very timely topic - fat loss!
December 23
Dirty Nutrition 4
From the differences between protein powders, to CoQ10 as a muscle builder, to how often you should poop, Dr. Bowden covers it all!
December 11
T Nation Twitter - The Magic Five
Got only enough room in your cupboard for five foods or supplements? What, are you renting a single-family cave in Tora Bora?
November 23
From Pie Hole to Poop Chute
Dr. Brian Walsh gives you the real poop on gastrointestinal health.
November 11
Nutritional Leverage with Shelby Starnes 1
Bodybuilding diet guru Shelby Starnes answers your questions about dieting for fat loss and muscle gains. Check it out.
November 6
Are Omega-6 Fats Really That Bad?
You pop Omega-3's like Pez candy, but avoid Omega-6's like candy corn. Maybe it's time to use both.
October 29
Dirty Nutrition 3
Bowden reveals the truth about organic food, grapefruit as a fat loss food (it works!), soy (it's still bad), palm oil, and other juicy dietary tidbits.
October 22
Death Match: You vs. Your Body
It's a battle royale between you and your body: you want to lose fat while keeping your muscle, but your body has other plans.
October 7
Dirty Nutrition 2
Dr. Bowden describes the perfect meathead breakfast, after which he discusses addictive foods, CLA, sugar alcohols, and oh yeah, Megan Fox.
September 30
Six Things You Need to Know About Protein
Dr. Lonny Lowery talks about new protein research and little-known facts about protein. Check it out.
August 20
Dirty Nutrition 1
Jonny Bowden pulls out his nutritional whipping stick and whomps on NO2 products, trans fats, and even poor ol' cows.
August 12
Fat, Weak, and Gassy Ain't Your Fault?
Dr. Bryan Walsh, the "go-to" guy for fat loss, says that being fat, having high cortisol, and being insufferably gassy can all be fixed with a few dietary tweaks.
May 20
Eat Your Lungs Out While Getting Leaner
Science writer Gary Taubes has a simple message: Everything you think you know about diet is wrong.
May 12
Question of Nutrition 8
Dr. Bowden weighs in on whether you can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time, the least-horrible fast foods, and drinking your own urine. Yes, really.