June 15
Your Brain is Rancid
Your brain can rot like that half-eaten Pizza you found under your X-Box. Here's how to prevent it.
June 8
In Defense of Cheat Days
Are cheat days like giving a heroin addict an occasional fix? Nope. Here’s who should be cheating, when, and how.
Hired Gun of Pros to Help 20 Readers Get Shredded
If you really want to get into the very best shape possible, while making the least amount of mistakes, you have one choice...
June 6
Blood Simple
How can you be certain of your health status if you don't understand the first thing about blood work? Here’s what you need to know.
May 25
5 Surprising Reasons You Blew Your Diet
Diets don't fail. People do. Here's how to fix your nutrition, avoid the pitfalls, and succeed.
May 23
Dave vs. Dog: Dave's Diet
Powerlifting icon Dave Tate was in trouble. Here’s how John Meadows helped him clean up his diet and get healthy.
May 20
The Good, the Bad, and The Ass-Fattening
Let’s clear up some of the carb confusion out there. Here’s what lifters and athletes should be eating and avoiding when it comes to carbs.
May 19
The Controlled-Carb Bulking Strategy
Here's the ultimate mass plan for the carb-phobic bodybuilder!
April 29
Truth About Gluten
Turns out, not all protein is awesome. Gluten can make you bloated and might put the brakes on hypertrophy. Here's how.
April 22
Bad Fruits, Evil Veggies
More bad news about what you're putting in your mouth. Don't worry, you can fix the problem. Here's how.
April 20
The Cheat Meal Manifesto
Re-feeds, carb-ups, cheat meals. Here's how to use them to get ripped for summer!
April 15
5 Ways to Improve Insulin Sensitivity
The most important part of getting lean and building muscle is getting your body to use the hormone insulin more efficiently. Here’s how to do it.
April 12
Forced Anabolism: How to Overeat
Think you know how to eat for muscle growth? Think again. Here's what you need to be putting in your mouth.
March 31
The Adrenal Fatigue Cure
Think you have adrenal fatigue? Find out here, then learn how to fix it!
March 28
Advanced Appetite Suppression
It's time to diet, fatty. Beat hunger with protein, fat, and... nicotine? Here's what will actually help your diet stick.
March 25
Paleo Nutrition Improved
Here's why the Paleo diet is so damn healthy - and how it can be made even better.
March 18
Ditch the 6-Pack to Build 6-Pack Abs
Here are some surprising ways drinking can wreck your physique and strength goals, plus how to have the occasional drink or two anyway without doing harm.
March 16
3 Tricks for Faster Fat Loss
Add these three simple strategies to your diet plan and watch the fat fly off!
March 14
Perfect Body Fat Percentage
What's the optimal amount of body fat to carry around when you're trying to build muscle? How lean can you stay and still be able to pack on muscle? The answers here.