October 15
What's the Best Diet for Losing Fat?
What's best, a low carb, ketogenic diet, or one that's more balanced? Here’s what science has to say.
October 7
To Lose Fat, Eat More Early
The most important time to get the right nutrients into your body is around the workout, but breakfast is crucial, too. Here’s why.
October 2
What's Best, 3 or 6 Meals Per Day?
Eat smaller meals more often, right? Or are larger, less frequent meals the way to go? Here’s what science has to say.
September 24
The 5/2 Fat-Loss Diet for Lifters
Eat normally five days a week and eat a reduced-calorie diet on two non-consecutive days. What could be easier?
September 19
The Fructose Verdict
A lot of folks are afraid of fructose. Should they be? Here are the facts.
May 10
The Scary Truth About Probiotics
They play a role in allergies, the immune system, body weight, and even testicle size! They also do something really, really, weird (or weird-er).
November 28
5 Holiday Diet Tips That Don't Suck
Yes, have some awesome meals on holidays. Have several! Just use these smart eating strategies.
October 25
Your Diet Isn't Building Any Muscle
Your uber-healthy or trendy diet couldn't pack pounds on a Pomeranian. Here's why.
October 17
Opening Up The Fat Loss Playbook
If dieting was an NFL team, this is the playbook you'd use to win the big fat-loss game. Check it out.
September 14
27 More Nutrition Facts
Here are 27 facts to either reinforce or to bring into doubt your current nutritional practices. Read, learn, adjust, and conquer.
September 7
The Difference Between Organic and Natural
Are you one of those people who get all holier-than-thou when it comes to organic or natural food? Get off your organic high horse and read this article.
July 31
7 Nutritional Strategies for Strategic Overreaching
Everyone's terrified of overtraining, but controlled overreaching can be a powerful tool to make astonishing progress. Here's how to make it happen.
July 27
Turbocharging Digestion
Fixing stomach problems, plus a new look at an old super food that everyone should be eating.
July 19
Flicking the Scab Off Your Dietary Beliefs
Dietary choices have become sort of the new religion for many people. Let’s offend them. Or maybe, just maybe, educate them so they won’t make silly choices.
June 28
Mineral Mining for a Better Body
If your body is lacking a few key minerals, even your best muscle-building endeavors won't get you anywhere. Here’s what you need to know.
June 22
A New Way to Eat - Part 2
Stop being obsessive and neurotic about food. Part of your diet should be strict, but part of it really doesn’t matter. Here’s why.
May 24
Carb Cycling For The Non-Counter
Carb cycling works for fat loss and muscle gain, but it can get tedious. Here’s a simple way to do it.
May 1
Dropping the A-Bomb on Your Waistline
Getting lean is a heck of a lot easier when you take advantage of this lioplytic smart bomb. Here’s how to do it.
April 20
Ain't So Bad! Foods That Have Gotten a Bum Rap
These foods will kill you! And they’re evil! And they will steal your retirement funds! No, just relax. Turns out they’re fine for most people. Check out the list.