November 19
Tip: Eat More Protein to Lose Fat
It turns out the more protein you eat, the more fat you lose. Yes, even if you consume more calories. Get the science here.
November 17
The Food That Changes Your Life
The gut is the second brain of the body. Feed it with this stuff and you can transform your mood, your performance, and your body.
November 15
Make Cheat Meals Work for You
Trigger the thermo-anabolic effect, lose fat, and prime your muscles for growth with this simple one-day strategy.
November 13
Tip: Lose Fat With a Spoonful of This
Trying to drop some body fat? Here's how stay full between meals and stave off hunger.
November 12
Tip: The First Step to Fat Loss
It's surprising how many people miss this step because they get caught up in the details. Let's set things straight.
Tip: Make Your Own Healthy Mayo
It's easy, it tastes better, and it's much better for you. Get the simple recipe here.
November 9
Tip: Low-Carb Diets and Cortisol
Long-term low-carb dieting leads to chronically elevated cortisol levels. Not good. Here's how to avoid it.
November 5
Tip: More Protein Equals More Muscle
A new study shows that you need more post-workout protein than you thought. Check it out.
October 22
Tip: Balance Your Hormones With the Right Veggies
Eat enough of the right vegetables and they'll help you balance your estrogen levels, which can help prevent cancer. Here's what to eat.
October 18
Tip: Put Your Gut Health First
You are what you eat, right? Not really. Here's what you need to know.
October 17
The Simple Carb Cycling Diet
Traditional carb cycling requires a calculator, a food scale, and an advanced degree in mathematics. There's a much simpler way. Here's how.
October 16
Tip: Drink This Milk-Yogurt Hybrid
Here are four reasons to add this nutritional powerhouse to your diet.Why super-strict diets backfire and how to prevent that from happening with buffer foods.
Tip: What Alcoholics Can Teach You About Diet
Want to lose fat and, more importantly, stay lean for life? Here's what you can learn from alcoholics.
October 15
Tip: The 2 Most Common Diet Mistakes
There are two long-term solutions to yo-yo dieting and bad eating habits, but not many people want to hear them. Too bad.
October 9
Tip: Fix Your Metabolism With Table Salt
74% of Americans are deficient in a nutrient that's crucial to metabolism, growth, and overall health. Here's a simple way to get enough.
October 7
Tip: Beware of Counterfeit Olive Oil
Stop being a sucker. 73% of the olive oils on U.S. shelves are counterfeit or inferior. Here's what you need to know.
September 26
Tip: Eat These Beans to Get Lean
Beans really are the magical fruit. Well, at least one variety of beans is. Check out this science.
September 17
Tip: Don't Forget Your Micros
Sure, the macros – protein, carbohydrate and fat – are important, but bodybuilders shouldn't overlook micronutrients. Here's why.
September 2
Tip: Drink More Green Tea
You've heard about its mild fat-burning benefits. Here's how to really crank them up.