August 10
Accumulate, Intensify, Dominate
Chest on Monday, back on Tuesday, etc., isn't programming. Here's how to design a program for effective long-term results.
December 27
21st Century Supersets
A modern twist on a classic method that will get you bigger, leaner, and stronger. What's not to love about that?
December 19
More 3rd World Workouts
You don't need fancy equipment to stay fit or get stronger. Even in the most dire circumstances. Check this out.
December 5
Get That Squat Up!
Leg presses and extensions will build the legs, but if you want to be a masterful squatter you need to get under the bar. Follow this plan.
December 1
The Snatch Grip Deadlift
It's a fact: the exercises that make you hate life the most also tend to deliver the best results. If you're in serious need of a hamstring overhaul, then this article is a great (although painful) place to start.
November 23
The Fat-Loss 4 Workout Protocol
How to lose the flab while maintaining all your hard-earned muscle and strength.
October 18
Max Strength, Minimal Equipment
Here's a Westside-influenced strength-building program to make you maximally strong while using minimal toys.
October 7
Weekend Training for the Busy Guy
Here's a basic, balls-out program that works around the busy guy’s life.
September 27
A 6-Week Squat, Bench, or Deadlift Program
A simple, foolproof program to boost up your big lifts in just six weeks. Check it out.
September 16
Deadlifting for MMA
A program built around an old school strength-training staple that will help you dominate in the Octagon.
August 16
Squat and Sprint
Combining heavy weights with intense sprints will deliver rapid mass gains. Here’s how to do it.
June 29
A Bodybuilding Program for Athletes
Forget what you’ve heard before. Big muscles don't make you inflexible, weak, or unathletic. Check this out.
June 23
Simple Strength – Phase 2
Increase your strength to record levels in a few short months. Here’s how.
June 2
Simple Strength - Phase 1
Mike Robertson offers an easy-to-follow, completely laid out plan to increase your strength over the period of a few short months.
May 16
8 Weeks to Super Bench
Bench press plateaus can be long and mind numbing. If this program doesn't catapult you out of your slump, nothing will.
March 15
8-Week Basic Strength Plan
Being stronger in the basic barbell lifts makes everything else you do in the gym easier. Here’s how to do it.
January 4
World's Simplest Training Template
Most lifters try to progress in strength, hypertrophy, stretching, and conditioning at the same time. Huge mistake! Here's a better way to, well, get better.
December 29
12 Weeks to a Better Deadlift
To many in the iron world, how much you can deadlift is the ultimate status symbol. Here's a solid three-month plan to get you on the road to deadlifting respect.
December 10
A Simple Program for Complex Results
If you want to build muscle as fast as humanly possible, here's a complete A-Z program to help you do just that.