You rarely see anyone doing weighted stair climbs anymore. Why? Because they're so damned hard! I used these when training for the Fire Fighter Combat Challenge (the hardest two minutes in sports) but they're great for all-around metabolic conditioning.
It's very simple. Grab a set of dumbbells, kettlebells or a sandbag and walk up the stairs as fast as you can. When you get to the top, walk back down. Rest as needed and go again. Repeat until your heart explodes out of your chest, your lungs collapse, or your legs give out. Whatever comes first. Don't kid yourself. After 5-10 minutes you'll be done.
We all know what kind of training Chad puts his clients through, but what about Chad himself? Amazingly, his own training is mixture of Crossfit and H.I.T. Kidding! You'll be glad to hear that he practices what he preaches.
A perfect warm-up virtually ensures a perfect workout, but a poor one will almost certainly ruin what COULD have been a great training experience. Ever wake up dreading the idea of going to the gym, but after getting there, you end up having a great workout? You can thank your warm-up for that.