Tip: Triple Threat Push-Up Workouts

Two smart, challenging push-up workouts you just gotta try. Check 'em out.

Photo Credit: SnoRidge CrossFit

Here are two ways to create a new training stimulus from this battle-tested exercise. First, the basic "triple threat" push-up protocol:

Too easy? Here's the advanced version:

You can rest up to 15 seconds in transition between push-up variations.

Perform 1-3 sets.

The Triple Drop Set Method

Both push-up protocols are based on the triple drop-set concept. They both begin with the most difficult push-up variation and progressively "work down" to the easiest version. In other words, as you fatigue, the exercises become easier, allowing you to continue to crank out high-quality reps with less risk of injury.

There are two ways we adjust the exercises to make them progressively easier as you get tired:

  1. Reduce the weight load (take the plate off your back).
  2. Shorten the lever arm (elevating your hands), which gives you a greater mechanical advantage.

To create further training variety and minimize overloading certain tissues, occasionally mix-up hand placement on the push-ups: wide, close, staggered, etc.).