In a "triple set" you combine the following:
- A heavy weight for low reps
- A moderate weight for medium reps
- A banded, full range of motion exercise for high reps
This combo hits all three things you want for your shoulders: strength, endurance, and mobility.
Shoulder Triple Set
- 5 Close-grip dumbbell presses (heavy)
- 10 Wide-grip dumbbell presses (moderate)
- 20 Banded dislocates
For the close-grip dumbbell press, use a weight you can do for around 8 reps. For the wide-grip dumbbell press, use what you can do for around 15 reps with good form. If you can't do banded dislocates... you shouldn't be lifting dumbbells.
Do this for 5 sets and take note of the weights you use. Each time you do it try to go a little heavier.