You'll need a sled with straps and a lifting belt. Put the straps through your belt and attach the belt to your waist.
Do this in a power-walking manner with an aggressive heel-to-toe action and slight forward lean. The sled pull is a great way to develop the posterior chain without even "lifting." And you can do it three times a week.
Do it on a flat surface. Typically you'd want to use about three-fourths of your bodyweight or full bodyweight. If your sled weighs 24 pounds then include that in the total weight you're pulling. Do 5 trips of 40-yard walks. Rest about 60 seconds between trips.
Blood on the Barbell is our new series describing workouts to do when your woman left you, your momma' don't love you, and even your dog doesn't care much for you. This time, Dan John brings the hurt and the healin'.